

05月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[日常生活用语旅游篇]-where is the tourist information center?旅游信息问讯处在哪里?-Please show me the way to the museum.请告诉我去博物馆的路。-When does the museum open?博物馆几...+阅读




3、您用完了,还是要继续用?Have you finished or still working on it?

4、要奶精还是糖?Cream or sugar?

5、我要清咖啡。I want it black

6、我不吃含脂肪/糖的食物。I have to avoid food containing fat/sugar.

7、能 否 告 诉 我 这 道 菜 是 怎 么 做 的 ?Could you tell me how this thing is cooked?

8、我 们 有 三 种 沙 拉 调 味 汁,您 要 哪 种 ?We have three dressings for salad. Which one would you like ?

9、你 们 有 什 么 ?What kind do you have?

10、我 想 我 来 点 儿 吧。再 给 我 一 份 蔬 菜 沙 拉。I think I'll try some lobster, and give me some green salad together.

11、我 让 你 来 点。 I'll leave it to you.

12、我 想 来 点 清 淡 些 的,你 能 推 荐 什 么 吗 ?What would you recommend? I prefer something light.

13、今 天 有 什 么 特 餐 吗 ?Do you have any special meals today?

14、请给我菜单。 May I have a menu,please?

15、是否有中文菜单?Do you have a menu in chinese?

16、 在用晚餐前想喝些什么吗? Would you like something to drink before dinner?

17、餐厅有些什么餐前酒?What kind of drinks do you have for an aperitif?

18、可否让我看看酒单? May I see the wine list?

19、 我可以点杯酒吗? May I order a glass of wine

20、 我想要喝法国红酒。I'd like to have Frence red wine.

21、 是否可建议一些不错的酒?Could you recommend some good wine?

22、我可以点餐了吗? May I order,please?

23、 餐厅最特别的菜式是什么?What is the specialty of the house?

24、 我可以点与那份相同的餐吗? Can I have the same dish as that?

25、我想要一份开胃菜与排餐(鱼餐)。 I'd like appetizers and meat(fish) dish.

26、 我正在节食中。I'm on a diet.

27、 我必须避免含油脂(盐份/糖份)的食物。I have to avoid food containing fat(salt/suger).

28、 餐厅是否有供应素食餐?Do you have vegetarian dishs?

29、你的牛排要如何烹调?How do you like your steak?

30、 全熟(五分熟/全生)。 Well done (medium/rare),please.


What kind of food do you prefer? Do you like Chinese food? What kind of food do you like,Chinese or American? Would you tell me where the Chinese restaurant is? Do you know where I can get a quick snack? What would you have for dinner? What would you like to order? Have you ordered yet? No,not yet,I am waiting for a friend.I will order later. What would you recommend? What's your today's special? I would like to have something simple. What will you have for dessert? We are in a hurry. Please rush your orders. The beefsteak is very good today. I will take the beefsteak. How would you like to have beefsteak,well-done or rare? I would like my beefsteak well done. How about a drink? I don't feel like eating more. It was a very enjoyable dinner. What would you like to drink? Could I have a cup of coffee? Would you like coffee or tea? I would like tea with a slice of lemon,please. Do you like to have anything else? No,thanks.I have had enough. I would like to have ice cream and fresh fruit. Help yourself to anything you like. Please pass me the salt and pepper. I ordered ten minutes ago. I have been waiting for half an hour. Why is our order so late? I can't wait any longer. Please serve us as quickly as possible. Could I have the bill please? Here you are,please pay the bill at the cashier's desk. Let's me pay my share.=Let's go Dutch. No,It's my treat. May I pay this time? and so on 有很多啊,可以在沟通中练习,这个不是一成不变的~


饮食 nutrition / nju:5triFEn/ 营养 appetite / 5Apitait/ 胃口 hunger / 5hQNgE/ 饥饿 thirst / WE:st/ 口渴的 hungry / 5hQNgri/ 饥饿的 thirsty / 5WE:sti/ 口渴的 gluttony / 5glQtni/ 暴食 greed / gri:d/ 贪嘴 overfeeding / / 吃得过多 diet / 5daiEt/ 食谱 banquet / 5bANkwit/ 宴会 breakfast / 5brekfEst/ 早餐 lunch / lQntF/ 午餐 dinner / 5dinE/ 正餐 supper / 5sQpE/ 晚饭 soup / su:p/ 汤 entree / 5Rntrei/ 正菜 dessert / di5zE:t/ 甜点 snack / snAk/ 点心,小吃 can / kAn/ 罐头 tin / tin/ 听 fruit / fru:t/ 水果 vegetable / 5vedVitEbl/ 蔬菜 beancurd / / 豆腐 crisp / krisp/ 炸土豆片 chips / tFips/ 炸薯条 milk / milk/ 奶 egg / eg/ 蛋 肉类 meat / mi:t/ 肉 beef / bi:f/ 牛肉 veal / vi:l/ 小牛肉 lamb / lAm/ 羊肉 mutton / 5mQtn/ 羊肉 sirloin / 5sE:lRin/ 牛脊肉 steak / 5steik/ 牛排 chop / tFRp/ 排骨 cutlet / 5kQtlit/ 肉条 stew / stju:/ 炖肉 roast / rEust/ 烤肉 pork / pR:k/ 猪肉 ham / hAm/ 火腿 bacon / 5beikEn/ 咸肉 sausage / 5sRsidV/ 香肠 chicken / 5tFikin/ 鸡 turkey / 5tE:ki/ 火鸡 duck / dQk/ 鸭 fish / fiF/ 鱼 broth / brRW/ 肉汤 调料 spice / spais/ 调料 salt / sR:lt/ 盐 vinegar / 5vinigE/ 醋 sauce / sR:s/ 酱油 oil / Ril/ 油 salad oil / / 色拉油 pepper / 5pepE/ 辣椒 mustard / 5mQstEd/ 芥末 clove / klEuv/ 丁香 cheese / tFi:z/ 奶酪 butter / 5bQtE/ 奶油 主食 noodle / 5nu:dl/ 面条,挂面 rice / rais/ 米饭 loaf / lEuf/ 长面包 biscuit / 5biskit/ (英)饼干,(美)小面包 Pizza / 5pi:tsE/ 比萨饼 bread / bred/ 面包 crust / krQst/ 面包皮 cake / keik/ 蛋糕 cookie / 5kuki/ 小甜饼 mooncake / 5mu:nkeik/ 月饼 pie / pai/ 馅饼 hamburg / 5hAmbE:g/ 汉堡包 pancake / 5pAnkeik/ 薄煎饼 sandwich / 5sAnwidV/ 三明治,夹肉面包 饮料 tea / ti:/ 茶 coffee / 5kRfi/ 咖啡 juice / dVu:s/ 果汁 wine / wain/ 葡萄酒 beverage / 5bevEridV/ 饮料 drink / driNk/ 饮料 mineral water / / 矿泉水 lemonade / lemE5neid/ 柠檬水 beer / biE/ 啤酒 claret / 5klArEt/ 波尔多红葡萄酒 cider / 5saidE/ 苹果酒 champagne / FAm5pein/ 香槟酒 cocktail / 5kRkteil/ 鸡尾酒 vodka / 5vRdkE/ 伏特加 whisky / 5wiski/ 威士忌 brandy / 5brAndi/ 白兰地 martini / ma:5ti:ni/ 马提尼酒 餐具 menu / 5menju:/ 菜单,菜谱 bowl / bEul/ 碗 table / 5teibl/ 餐桌 tablecloth / 5teiblklRW/ 桌布 napkin / 5nApkin/ 餐巾 cutlery / 5kQtlEri/ 餐具 fork / fR:k/ 叉 spoon / spu:n/ 匙 teaspoon / 5ti:spu:n/ 茶匙 ladle / 5leidl/ 长柄勺 knife / naif/ 刀 glass / gla:s/ 玻璃杯 bottle / 5bRtl/ 瓶子 cup / kQp/ 杯子 saucer / 5sR:sE/ 小碟 teapot / 5ti:pRt/ 茶壶 coffeepot / / 咖啡壶 tray / trei/ 托盘 甜食 honey / 5hQni/ 蜂蜜 sugar / 5FugE/ 糖 chocolate / 5tFRkElit/ 巧克力 candy / 5kAndi/ 糖果 compote / 5kRmpout/ 蜜饯 jam / dVAm/ 果酱



We have n person/people. 我们有n个人。

Can I get the seat over there? 我(们)可不可以坐那里?

(亦可以说: I want that seat over there. 我想坐那里。)


Please have a seat. 清坐。(亦可以用:Have a seat. 坐吧。)

Can I have the menu? 我可不可以有菜单?


亦可以用 I want the menu. 我想要个菜单。)

Is there anything that you want? 你有没有什么想吃的?

Is there something that you can't eat? 你有没有不可以吃的食物?

Do you know what you want to eat? 你想好吃什么了吗?

What is tonight's special? 今晚有什么特别的食物?

有时候,服务员会过来问: 你门可以落单了吗?(Are you ready to order?)

可以回:Yes, we are ready. 可以/ We are still thinking. 我们还在想/ We are not ready yet.我们还没准备好。

I(We) want to order. 我(我们)可以落单了。

I would like to get…/ I want to get… 我想要...

Is there tea/wine/soda? 有没有 茶/酒/汽水?

What kind of tea/wine/soda/meat? 有那种 茶/酒/汽水/肉?

Excuse me, where is the toilet? 不好意思,厕所在那里?

Can I get another napkin/spoon/fork/chopstick/knife? 我可不可以要另一个 餐巾纸/勺/叉/筷/刀?*

Can I get one more napkin/spoon/fork/chopstick/knife?我可不可以要多一个 餐巾纸/勺/叉/筷/刀?*

* I want to (我想。。。)可以代替 Can I get (我可不可以...)

I want to add a order of… 我想添加。。。

We are done. 我们吃好了。(通常这样告诉服务员的话,他们会自动自觉的给你你的收据,但是如果他们没有给的话,可以对他们说:I want to pay now. 我要付钱)

Do you accept credit card? 可以用信用卡吗?

我试过配汉语读法, 但是配得不好所以就没有写在这里.希望帮到你.


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