

05月22日 编辑 39baobao.com


Nurse: Good morning, sir. Are you a relative of Joey Lee? Relative of patient: Yes, that will be me. Is he okay? Nurse: He suffered a mild heart attack. But now his conditions are stable. You won't have to worry about any serious problems. Relative of patient: Oh, God! That's so nice to hear! Thank you so much! Nurse: However, you would have to watch his diet while he's at our hospital and also when he leaves the hospital. He must not eat anything with excessive amount of oil or cholestrol. Relative of patient: Got it. We will make sure that he doesn't eat anything bad for him. Also, when will he be able to return home? Nurse: If his conditions don't worsen, he will be able to go back home in a week. We just need to keep him here for further care. Relative of patient: All right, thank you very much!


N: Good morning. P: Good morning.

N: What seems to be the problem?

P: I'm running a high fever and feeling terribly bad. N: How long have you had the problem? P: Since last night.

N: Well, have you ever been here before? P: As a matter of fact, I have just moved to this city.

N: OK. In that case, you have to fill in this registration card. Your age, gender,adress and things like that. P: No problem. Which department should I register with, madam?

N: You'd better go to the medical department. P: Here is my registration card.

N: Thank you. The registration fee is one dollar.,

P: Fine. But can you tell me how to get to the medical department, please?

N: Take the lift to the third floor and then make a left turn. Go along the corridor until you see the sign on your right.

P: Thanks a lot. N: You're welcome.


Dialogue 1 Give an injection (Introduction: In a ward of Surgical department .The patient is suffering from bad pain, and the nurse has prepared for giving the patient an injection to relieve the pain. Then the nurse comes to the patient's and take the first step to give an injection.) Nurse(Walking to the patient):Hello! Are you Mr/Mrs Patient? Patient: Yes. N(Taking out the syringe): Now I have an injection for you.I would like to give this injection on your buttocks to relieve the pain. P:ok N:I'm going to sterilize the skin with tincture. Did it hurt? (cleaning the skin with an tincture sponge, and giving the injection) P: No. Never felt a thing. Thank you. … P: I have so much pain in my wound. I need medicine for pain, nurse. N: Will you show me the dressing ? (helping the patient to show)The dressing is clean and dry. I gave you a pain killer one hour ago. I t seems to be a little bit early to give you another one now. This medicine has a very strong effect and the doctor has ordered medication for 2 to 3 hours interval. Can you stand it for a while. P: Oh, no. I can't stand it any longer. N: I see. Then I will call the doctor . Please relax and don't worry.


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