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personal advantages:

first, the seven practices of skilled qc, qc seven methods can be applied to analyze problems and solve problems, this can reduce the panys product defect rate, cost sings.

second, familiar with the toyota production management model, high cost consciousness, reduce costs, seeking business growth. third, standardize their work, correct work attitude, management standardization, job standardization.

fourth, in the system for two months work, familiar with the management of day-to-day affairs, and presided over the internal audit and two systems of the trial.

position: quality management

personal advantages: first, familiar with the use of a variety of mon gauge instrument, and two years of practical experience, holding the primary length measuring test certificate.

second, can skillfully manipulate qc seven methods, through the puter proficiency plato, histogram, the application of fish bone chart analysis of the causes of the problem, the use of control chart analysis of quality and process control, and the pany staff training; xx year in november to strengthen the quality of the month as the qq circle long, first of all seven practices circle, brainstorming, training methods and radar chart, and then in accordance with qc story qcc activities, and published results, and getquality control minister of praise. third, a certain understanding of ts16949, familiar with spc process statistics, msa measurement system analysis.

fourth, he a good training experience, many of the training to the quality control practice staff, the forite sentence is: now, you are quality control personnel.


first, in the study of theory, firm ideals and beliefs on the munist model.

learning theory has a depth, there is a high level of understanding, check the pendulum problem and anatomical problems he the intensity. therefore, we should pay more attention to the collection and study of marxist-leninist books and treatises, and collect more than 60 articles of the three represents and three represents, and apply relevant articles to the political study of the departments. recognizing that the ideals and beliefs of munism are not produced out of thin air, they are derived from the scientific understanding and rational grasp of the law of human social development and the value of life, and arises from the armament of marxist theory.

second, learning modern management knowledge, improve management ability to set an example.

scientific and cultural management knowledge is the basis of social civilization, is the basis of social civilization, is the ladder of human progress, knowledge of the world economy is now emerging, economic globalization, the pace of information technology is faster and faster. self-deep not wait for my urgency, therefore, can continue to learn the management of hotel and hotel knowledge, and from time to time to enrich the work to go. actively promote the model meeting room in the department, named service star, remended two books a month, calligraphy petition and other health activities.

third, in the work attitude, style of doing a good example.

as a department manager, always fet the trust of the anization, treat the work diligently and earnestly, every day early, late, take the lead to ply with the rules and regulations of the unit, the leadership assigned to work can actively do a good job. dare to clarify their own point of view, his integrity, style decent, able to put themselves under the leadership and supervision of the masses, not the hands of the power for personal self-interest, a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility.

4, concerned about the masses of life, to fulfill the three represents model.

to adhere to the principle of three represents means, in the final analysis, to unify and realize the fundamental interests of the people and the masses. only by getting close to the masses and rooting in the masses and understanding the masses and benefiting the masses can they truly represent the masses. therefore, in conjunction with the actual sector, there are plans for home away from the building staff home visits. usually concerned about the suffering of the masses, sick employees condolences at home, the difficulties of individual families can also give employees the power to do the economic help. the building staff encountered legal problems can also be patient answers.


first, the study, the lack of marxist-leninist theory of systematic learning.

second, the work of staff to carry out the value of incentives and emotional incentives to promote the work of the work there is still much to do.


as to my ability. i am familiar with business english and windows office excel photoshop and other software related to the office. my english got to the ability of cet-4. i may write all english letters of the foreign client and learn all the proceeding for the sales &emsp shipping. and i like the job of challenge. especiellly. eventually thank you for giving this opportunity to introduce myself in advance. as well as very honoured to know this information that you are lack of this position personnel, im steven from hubei prov.energetial optimistical open-minded are my character with excellent writting english two years experience, in this period . i he accumulated aboundant experience in international trad. i he enough confidence to do a perfect job. strong responsibility . earnest, enthusastial . and a good team -work spirits. i would fully develop myself to serve in your pany. if you can get this chance given by you ,by the way . you can contact me

本人2010年7月毕业于湖北经济学院,专业是工商管理 。





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