[请教几个英语专业词汇金融相关术语]1, mixed-industry 2, the financial industry 3, the financial holding company 4, the mixed financial holding company / purely financial holding company 5, the fi...+阅读
1.Homodyne 零差
2.Closed control loops 闭合控制环(闭环控制)
3.Chirp 线性调频脉冲信号
4.The high bandwidth homodyne 高带宽零差
5.Infineon公司 英飞凌公司
6.Load pulling 负载上拉、负载拉移、负载拉动
7.Free running 自由振荡
8.Offset 偏置、偏移量
9.Generation of precise frequency chirps 精确线性调频的频率发生
10.Ramps 接线端钮
11.Frequency sweep 频率搜索
12.Frequency versus time 频率对时间、频域对时域
13.The mathematically predicted course 数学预测发展趋势
14.Come from finite clock frequency and converter resolution 来自精确时钟频率和转换器精度
15.Radio frequency 射频
4 Digital Electronic Technology
"Digital Electronic Technology" is the second analog electronic technology courses, electrical class, self-control class and the electronics and other professional students in Introduction to the nature of the technical aspects of digital electronics technology base lesson and that is a part of the basis of electronic technology, which aims to enable students to grasp the pulse circuit and digital circuit operating principle, analysis methods and design methods, learn EWB circuit analysis software for digital circuit simulation, or institute a typical PLD development system software, digital system design, analysis and simulation, so that students have a certain practical skills and application. Digital electronic technology-based learning in the course so that students get the basic theory of digital circuits, basic knowledge and basic skills, students analyze problems and problem-solving capabilities, and in digital electronic technology in the professional application of a sound foundation.
5 Low-frequency electronic circuits
This course is the electronic information engineering, communications engineering, a professional technical basis of an important lesson is to study the performance of a variety of semiconductor devices, circuit and its application of the subjects. 300KHz focused on working in the following lumped parameters of electronic circuits to explain the discrete element, the device works, using basic circuit element characteristics and methods of analysis to explain the circuit principle of the analog integrated circuits its application. Through the course of learning to enable students to analyze problems with the engineering point of view, gain a basic analysis methods, information on the components and integrated circuits for the main parameters, the external features and applications. Based professional lay the foundation for follow-up courses.
请教几个关于智能手机的用法问题作为一个古老的圣安德鲁斯用户,我详细回答你。 1,可以安装在了360?或手机管家和其他软件的手机流量监测和检查。 2,WLAN,也被称为WIFI,无线上网,一般都需要一个用户名和密码,将不会...
关于英语专业英国留学的几个问题我觉得虽然专业上分热门专业和冷门专业,但是在选专业时,主要还是看你的兴趣倾向吧。能做自己感兴趣的事情,是最幸福的。 tesol专业 作为世界人口最多的国家,教育在中国的就业潜...
请教房产英语的几个专业名词小区 : subdistrict;parcel;plot;areola. 物业:property; real property; real estate; realty 物业费:property expenditure/cost 物业税:property tax 创业费: initial expendi...
问几个英语专业四级问题1, 这里讲到21世纪中叶出现的情况,显然是将来的时态,A。will be living是指将来某时的状态与情况。 2,对,everything 后面的成分应该是作它的定语。还应该有其它的选项。 3,前者后...
请教关于填写意大利旅游签证申请表的几个问题如果你以前没有出过境,又是夫妻一同出去的,稳妥起见,建议参加旅游团,这样手续会简便很多. 你这种情况如果是自助游,手续很多,需要的证明文件很多,而且多半会被拒签. 有关填表: 一、...
有关同济大学车辆工程专业的几个问题请教一下1、低年级在沪西校区(原上海铁道学院),高年级在嘉定校区(新校区)。 2、女生很少,基本上你能认识全年级的女生。 3、没有 4、具体不详,其实感觉都差不多 5、很好 6、去德国的很多个,...
诚恳的请教关于日语敬语中的几个问题1、申します、申し上げます 都是 言います(说)的自谦语。后者比前者更放低身段,这个应该能看出来。 2、可以同时出现。比如:ぜひ展示会にご参加いただきたいと思います。 请您务...