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[掌握常见的10种错误为你的托福写作提分]1、Challenge(1)Challenge sb to do sth .向...挑战,邀请...比赛They challenge us to a swimming contest.(2)to give (accept) a challenge ( 接受 ) 挑战2、Share(1)...+阅读

apparel n 服装(attire,garment)

apprehend vt 忧虑,畏惧,捕捉(fear,capture)

apprentice n 学徒(disciple)

arable adj 适于耕种的(farmable,fruitful)

ardent adj 极热心的,热情的(passionate,enthusiastic,fervent,zealous)

ardor n 热心(enthusiasm)

arduous adj 险峻的,困难的(strenuous,laborious,backbreaking)

arid adj 干旱的(barren,infertile,dry) aristocrat n 贵族(blue blood)

arithmetic n 算术

armament n 兵力,军力(arms ,munitions)

armor n 装甲,武器

aroma n 香气,芬芳,芳香(fragrance,scent,perfume)

arrogance n 傲慢ascent n 攀登,登高,追溯(climb)

ascetic adj 苦行的(austere,rigorous,strict)

asperse vt 诽谤(slander)assail vt 猛击,决然面对(attack,assault)

assassinate vt 暗杀,行刺

assiduous adj 勤勉的(diligent,industrious)

assign vt 分配,指派(allot,distribute)

assuage n 缓和(alleviate,mitigate,soothe)

astound vt 使惊异(surprise,astonish)

assumption n 就职,假设(supposition,hypothesis)

astronomy n 天文学

astute adj 机敏的,狡猾的(shrewd,canny)

atheism n 无神论

attainment n 成就(acplishment,achievement)

attorney n 代理人,辩护律师

attribute n 性质(characteristic,quality,trait)

attrition n 磨损(wear and tear)

audition n 试听,面试

auditor n 审计员,旁听者

auditorium n 大礼堂

aura n 气味,气氛(atmosphere,mood)

auspice n 前兆

auspicious adj 吉兆的,幸运的(promising,forable)

austerity n 节俭,严峻

authentic adj 可靠,有根据,真实的(genuine,real)

authoritative adj 性的,官方的

authorize v 授权(empower,permit)

authority n

autocrat n 独裁者

alanche n 雪崩

arice n 贪婪(greed,lust)

ersion n 厌恶(dislike,distaste)

iator n 飞行家(pilot)

id adj 热切的,贪婪的(eager,greedy)

ow vt 公开,承认(acknowledge,declare,admit)

abstinence n 禁戒,节制

abstruse n 深奥的(plicated,profound)

abundant adj 充裕的(sufficient)

abate v 减少(lessen,diminish,dwindle,subside)

abdicate vt 放弃权力(abandon)

abduct vi 绑架,诱拐(kidnap)

abhor vt 憎恶(detest,despise,loathe)

abhorrent adj 可恶的,可恨的(detestable)

ablaze adj 闪耀的(gleaming,glowing)

abortive adj 失败的(unsuccessful)

abstain vi 戒绝

acumen n 敏锐(acuteness)

adage n 格言,谚语(proverb)

adept adj 擅长的(adroit,apt)

adherent adj 依附的,n 信奉者(adhesive,sticky,supporter)

adhesive adj 黏着的, n 粘着物(sticky)

adjoin vt 贴近,毗连,靠近(abut)

adjourn vt 延期(defer,delay)

adroit adj 机巧的


admonish vt 警告(warn)

adopt vt 采用,收养(introduce,foster)

affable adj 和蔼可亲的(genial,benevolent)

accentuate vt 重读,强调(emphasize,underline,highlight,underscore)

acclaim v 喝彩,欢呼,称赞(applaud,approve)

acplished adj 完成的,熟练的(experienced)

accost vt 向人搭话(address,speak to)

accredit vt 归功于(ascribe,attribute)

acquit vt 宣告无罪(exonerate,vindicate)

acrimonious adj 尖酸的(bitter,spiteful)

acrimony n 刻薄

acting adj 代理的(substitutive)

algebra n 代数

alienate vt 使疏远(estrange)

alkali n 碱

allegiance n 忠诚(loyalty,fidelity)

allegory n 讽喻,寓言(fable)

alleviate vt 使减轻(mitigate,pacify,soothe)

allot vt 分配,指派(allocate,distribute,apportion)

allude vi 提及,暗指(refer,imply)

allure vt n 引诱(attract,fascinate,captivate,tempt)

allusion n 引述,暗指(quotation)

altruism n 利他主义

aluminum n 铝

alumnus n 男校友

amalgamate vt 混合,合并(bine,incorporate)

amass vt 收集,积聚(accumulate)

amateur adj 业余的,n业余爱好者(nonprofessional)

amenable adj 有责任的,肯接受的(responsible)

amiable adj 友善的,和蔼的(congenial,affable)

amicable adj 和平的,和睦的(harmonious,peaceable)

amplify v 放大(enlarge)

anecdote n 轶闻

anguish n 极度痛苦,苦闷,vi 使苦恼(agony,distress)

animated adj 有生气的,热烈的(lively,vivacious)

annex vt 附加(add,append)n 附件

annihilate vt 消减(destroy,vanish)

annotate vt 注解(note)

annul v 废除,取消(abolish,repeal)

anomalous adj 反常的(irregular,abnormal)

anomaly n 异例,异常,变态(exception)

anonymous adj 匿名的(unknown,unnamed)

antagonism n 敌对(opposition,hostility,enmity)

antagonist n 敌手(opponent)

antique adj 古代的(archaic,obsolete,outdated)

antiquity n 古代

antiseptic adj 防腐的,杀菌的,n消毒剂

anxious adj 渴望的(keen,eager)

aperture n 孔,开口(opening)

apex n 顶点,高点(acme,summit,zenith,peak)

affiliate v 加盟,入会(associate,ally)

affinity n 类似处,密切关系(similarity,liking)

affirm vt 断言,批准,证实

afflict vt 使痛苦,折磨(torture)

aggrate vt 恶化(worsen,intensify)

aghast adj 惊骇的,恐怖的(shocked,horrified,astounded)

aggression n 侵犯(attack)

agile adj 敏捷的,活泼轻快的(nimble,alert,brisk)

agitate vt 煽动(incite,provoke,instigate)

agonize vi 使受苦,使苦闷(torture)

agrarian adj 土地的,农业的(agricultural,rural,rustic)






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