Culture in general is concerned about beliefs and values on the __1__ basis of which peope interpret experiences and behe, individually and in groups. Broadly and simply putting, "culture" refers to a __2__ group or munity with that you share mon experiences that __3__ shape the way how you understand the world. Culture is the "lens" __4__ through which you view the world, it is central to what you see,how you make sense of what you see, and how you express yourself.
Culture is often at the root of munication challenges. Exploring historical experiences and the ways in which various cultural
groups he related to each other is key to open channels for cross- __5__ cultural munication. Being more beware of cultural differences, __6__ as well as exploring cultural similarities, can help you minicate with the others more effectively. Next time you find yourself __7__ a confusing situation, ask yourself how culture may be shaping your __8__ own reactions, and try to see the world from the other's point of view. Anthropologists discovered that, when faced by interaction that we do not understand, people tend to interpret the others involved as "abnormal", "weird" or "wrong". Awareness of cultureal differences and recognizing where cultural differences are in work __9__ is the first step toward understanding each other and establish your __10__ own assumptions about the "right" way of doing things and as a chance to learn new ways to solve problems.
1.about--with.concerned 作为形容词既可以和about搭配,也可以和with搭配,意思有所不同,前者是“为……担心”,后者是“与……有关”。
2.putting--put,put可以有“表达”的意思,broadly put是“从广义上说”,simply put 意思是“简单地说”,这次词组中的put实际上是动词put的过去分词。同样的意思也可以用不定式词组表示,如:to put it simply, to put it bluntly。
3.(with)that--which.如果关系分句是由“介词+关系代词”引导的,那么这个代词只能是which 或whom。
4.how--how不用于引导关系分句。先行词the way后面的关系分句可以用in which引导,也可以省略。但是,how可以引导名词性分句,相当于the way in which。
5.open--opening.be key to 词组中to是介词,而不是不定时标记,所以其后应当跟-ing分词,而不是动词不定式。
6.beware--aware.beware 是动词,所以不能说bee beware of。
7.the--the others指除了已经提及的以外余下的,而others仅指“一些”。
8.“find+somebody/something+in a particular situation”表示“发现某人/某物处于某种状态”,宾语somebody/something之后可以是形容词、分词、介词词组等。
9.in--at.work和不同的介词搭配表示不同的含义。“in work”表示“有工作”,“at work”的意思是“在起作用”。
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