

11月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[2008年职称英语阅读理解练习题]Goal of American Education Education is an enormous and expensive part of American life. Its size is matched by its variety. Differences in American schools par...+阅读

indispensable(A 级) – necessary必须的

principal –chief -- leading--- main 主要的, 首要的

employ – hire 雇佣

fire – dismiss – send away解雇

postulate (A 级) – assume – suppose 假定

on the verge of --- close to 接近于, 濒临于

extinction (A 级)– die out 灭绝

gaze at – look at – stare at 凝视,注视

eligible(A 级) – entitled – qualified 有资格的

employment – work – job 工作

encourage – inspire – push 鼓励, 激励

no longer – no more 不再

admit – acknowledge 承认

allow – permit 允许

state – declare – announce 宣布,声明

regret – sorry 遗憾的

remove – get off 脱下

start – begin 开始

plicated (A 级)– plex 复杂的

ply with(A 级) – observe – abide by (A 级) -- stick to 遵守

previous – former 以前的

maintain – hold – think 认为

cause – bring about – lead to – result in 导致

error – mistake 错误

ponent – ingredient – element 成分

solve – settle 解决(问题)

probe (A 级) – explore 探查

involve – include 包括

numerous – a number of – a lot of – abundant (B 级) – plentiful 大量的, 丰富的

stay –remain 保持(用作半系动词)

rest – break 休息

account for – explain 解释

examination – test 测试, 考试

examine – check up 检查, 核对

gain – put on 增加

put up – lift – raise 举起

put up – build – construct 建造

foster – cultivate – cultivate (B级)培养

alleviate (A级) – relieve -- lessen 减轻,减少

severe –serious -- bad 严重的

severe – strict 严厉的

sharp– acute – severe 剧烈的(疼痛)

severe – hard - tough艰苦的

quit – give up – abandon放弃

subject – topic 话题

remarkable – exceptional – extraordinary – great – marvelous – striking – special – unusual显着的

uneasy (A 级)– worried 焦虑的

demolish (A 级)– pull down 拆毁

adverse (A 级)– unforable 不利的, 相反的

courteous (A 级)– polite – respectful 有礼貌的

courtesy (A 级)– politeness – good manners 礼貌

insane (A 级) – crazy – mad 疯狂的

sensible –wise – advisable (B 级) 明智的

clever – intelligent – wise – bright 聪明的

(be) exhausted – (be) tired – (be) worn out 疲惫

believable – convincing -- credible (B 级) 可信的

original – initial 最初的

original – creative 创造性的

petent – capable – able 有能力的

vigorous (A级)– energetic – dynamic (B级) 精力充沛的, 有活力的


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