

02月18日 编辑 39baobao.com

[职称英语阅读理解例题09年职称英语考试]Japanese Car Keeps Watch for Drunk DriversA concept car developed by Japanese pany Nissan1 has a breathalyzer-like detection system and other instruments that...+阅读

26. At Dover Station, the train went to London _____.

C. every hour

(参考原文:...at about nine o'clock that evening......You have just missed one. They go hourly. The next train is at ten.)

27. The three men didn't catch up with nine o'clock train. So they decided to go off the station and to _____.

B. have a drink

(参考原文:So they went to a bar....The porter told them the train had just gone. So they went back to the bar. D.选项不对,因为打电话不会要那么长时间)

28. The last train didn't start out until it was___.

D. 12 o'clock

(参考原文:Twelve o'clock came, and the last train was starting out when all of the three men ran to catch the train as fast as they could. )

29. ___ missed the last train for London.

A. The third man of the three

(参考原文:Two of them got into a carriage , but the third of them didn't run fast enough.)

30. Which of the following is true?

A. The third man didn't run as fast as the other two.

(参考原文:Two of them got into a carriage , but the third of them didn't run fast enough.)

30. 其他选项不对:

B. The third man changed his mind and didn't want to leave. (文中并未提及)

C. The train didn't start off on time. (不对:Twelve o'clock came, and the last train was starting...)

D. The third man laughed for he was glad to see his friends off. (文中只说他笑得厉害,但并未说明他是因为开心朋友走了,还是觉得整件事很滑稽)




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