

11月12日 编辑 39baobao.com

[划重点,面试几乎每次都有的必考题!]面试最可能被问的题目有哪些呢?网友们归纳总结了以下几点: 一、基本情况 1、请用最简洁的语言描述您从前的工作经历和工作成果。 考察要点:测试应聘者是否能够用几句话概要地介...+阅读

question 1. under windows nt, what mand would you use if you wanted to trace a packet from its source host to a destination host? a. tracert

b. route

c. nbtstat

d. ipconfig

the tracert utility is microsoft's own, used to trace a packet from its source ( your puter ) to a destination host ( a remote puter ).

question 2. if you wanted to display all entries in the arp cache, which of the following utilities would you use?

a . arp - g

b. arp - e

c. arp - d

d. arp - s

to display all entries in the arp ( address resolution protocol ) cache, you would use the arp utility with the -g or - a switch. they are the same thing. to get the answer type 'arp /?' at the mand prompt.

arp ( address resolution protocol ) is used to obtain hardware ( mac = media access control ) addresses for munications with a destination host.

question 3. you notice that the sub mask is on your windows nt puter while using the ipconfig utility at the mand prompt to check for ip address configuration. what does it mean when the ipconfig utility displays a sub mask of

a. the default gateway on your puter does not match the default gateway of the work.

b. your puter has the same sub mask as another puter on the work.

c. your puter does not he the correct ip address class specified for it.

d. your puter has the same ip address as another puter on the work.


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