1. *stereo- solid, cubic: stereotype, stereosonic, stereotelevision, stereography
2. –still-, -stil- drop: instill, distill, distillation
3. –stimul- spur: stimulate, stimulant
4. *–stitut- set up: institute, institution, destitute, prostitute, restitute
5. –stor-: erect, set up: restoration
6. -strat- level: stratosphere, stratify
7. –strenu- active: strenuous
8. *–string-, -strict-, -strain, -straint, -stress draw tight: stringent, constriction, restrict, constrain, constraint, restraint, distress
9. *–stru-, -struct- build: construe, construct, deconstruction, instrument, obstruct, structure, superstructure, infrastructure, obstruction
10. –stud- zealous, eager: study, studious
11. –stult- stupid: stultify
12. styl- 1) style: stylist, stylistics 2) pointed: stylography
13. –suad-, -suas- advise: persuade, persuasion, dissuasive
14. *sub- [suc- before c; suf- before f; sug- before g; sum- before m; sup- before p; sur- before r, sus- before c, p, t] 1) under, beneath, below, from beneath: subvert, submarine, subsolar, succeed, suffer, suggest, suppose, surrogate, sustain 2) lower in rank, position, or importance than: subhead, subtitle 3) to a lesser degree than, somewhat: subhuman, subtropical, subsonic 4) so as to form a division into smaller or less important parts: subdivide, subfamily 5) near, bordering on: subalpine 6) nearly, almost: subteen 7) [in chemical terms]: 低(含量): subcarbide, suboxide, subsulphide
15. *suc- see sub-
16. –sud- sweat: sudatory, sudation
17. *suf- see sub-
18. *sug- see sub-
19. sui- oneself: suicide, suicidal
20. –sulphur- brimstone: sulphurous
21. –sult- talk: consult, result, desultory
22. *–sum-, -sumpt- take: assume, presume, presumption, consumer
23. –summ- sum: summary, summarize
24. *sup- see sub-
25. *super- 1) over, above, on top of: supersede, supervise 2) higher in rank or position than: superintendant 3) greater in quality, amount or degree than: superpower, supermarket, supersecrecy 4) to a degree greater than normal: supercharge, supersaturate 5) extra, additional: supertax
26. –super- conquer: insuperable
27. supra- above, over, beyond, before: suprastructure, supranational, supramundane
28. *sur- 1) over, upon, above, beyond: surrealism, surface, surpass, surcharge, surmount, surplus 2) see sub-
29. *–surg- rise: surge, resurgent, insurgency
30. *sus- see sub-
31. *syl- see syn-
32. *sym- see syn-
33. *syn- with, together, at the same time: [syl- before l] syllogism [sym- before b, m, p] sympathy, symmetry, symphony, symbiosis [otherwise syn-] synchronize, syntony, synthesis, synonym
34. –tabul- table: tabulate, tabular
35. –tac-, -tic- silent: tacit, taciturn, reticent
36. *–tang-, -tag-, -tig-, -tact- touch: tangible, contagious, contiguity, intact, contagion, contiguous, intangible, tag, tactility
37. –tard- late: retard, tardy
38. *techno- of technology: technocrat
39. –tect- cover: detect, protect
40. *tele- far or relating to television: televise, telescope, telepathy, telephoto, telephone, teleplay, tele
41. –tempor- time: temporal, contemporary, extempore, extemporize, contemporize, contemporaneous, temporal, temporize
42. –tempt- test: tempt, attempt
43. *–ten-, -tin-, -tain-, -tent- hold, keep: contain, abstinence, continent, content, detainee, retain
44. *–tend-, -tens-, -tent- stretch: extend, extent, extensive, attend, attention, contend, tent, tendency, tension, intensify, intensive, distend, distension
45. –tenebr- dark: tenebrous
46. –tenu- thin: tenuous, attenuate, extenuation
47. *–termin- border: terminal, determine, terminate, exterminate
48. ter- three: tertiary
49. terato- 畸形: teratogeny
50. *–terr- 1) earth, land: territory, terrestrial, inter, disinter, exterritorial, extraterrestrial, terrace, terrain, interment, subterrane, subterraneous, Mediterranean 2) frighten: terrify, terrorist, deter, deterrent, determent, terrorize
51. –test- witness: attest, protest, contest
52. *tetra- [tetr- before a vowel] four: tetracycline, tetragon, tetroxide
53. –text- wee: textile, text, subtext, textual, pretext, intertexture
54. *–th 1): cardinal number: ninth 2) abstract nouns: stealth, width, length, strength, growth, breadth (不影响重音)/W/
55. –thanas- death: euthanasia
56. *–the- god: theology, theologian, atheism, apotheosis, pantheism, monotheistic, ditheism, polutheism
57. *–therapy treatment: radiotherapy, psychotherapy (重音’therapy)/Wer[pi/
58. –therapeutical adj. of n. ending in therapy: radiotherapeutical (重音thera’peutical)/Wer[pju:tikl/
59. *–therm- heat: thermolysis, thermometer, thermos, thermometer, thermodynamics, thermonuclear, diathermal, isotherm, synthermal
60. thi- 硫: thiamin
61. *–tic n. of words ending in –t, -y, etc: ecstatic, democratic, cinematic, syntactic (重音’- tic)/tik/
62. *-tight impervious to: watertight, airtight (不影响重音)
63. –tim- fear: timid, intimidate, timorouse
64. *–tion v. → n.: question, invention, visitation (重音’- tion)/Fn/,但在s后/tFn/
65. –tir- draw, pull: retire, tirade
66. *-tive adj. of n. ending in –tion: inventive, preventative (重音同原动词)/tiv/
67. –toler- bear, endure: tolerant, tolerate
68. –tom- cut: atom, anatomy, subatomic, tome, appendectomy, enterotomy
69. *–ton- sound, thunder: detonate, tonal, intone, monotony, monotonous, intonation, baritone, semitone, tonal, tonality, diatonic
70. –tonia tension: myotonia
71. –tons- she: tonsure
72. *–torqu-, -tort- twist: torque, distortion, extortion, retort, torture, torment, tormentor, contortion, distortionist, retort, tortuous, tortile
73. –tot- whole: total, totality
74. –tour- turn: tourism, detour, contour
75. –tox- poison: toxic, intoxicate, toxin, toxicide, detoxify, toxicology, toxicity, antitoxic
76. tra- =trans-: tradition, trajectory
77. *–tract-, -treat- draw, pull: tractor, distract, distraction, attractive, entreat, retreat, abstract, abstraction, contract, contractor, protract, protraction, retract, protractile, subtract
78. *trans- across, beyond, change into another form: transaction, transparent, transcendent, transatlantic, transform, transposition, transfuse, transplant
79. –trem- shake: tremor, tremble
80. *tri- three: tricycle, triplicate, tricolor, tricar, trinity
81. –tribut- give: tribute, attribute, contribute
82. tricho- hair: trichopathy
83. –trop- 向性,趋向性: phototropism
84. *–trud-, -trus- thrust: intrude, obtrusive, extrude, extrusion, protrusive, detrude
85. tubi- tube: tubiform
86. –tum- swell: tumor
87. *–turb- disorder: perturb, imperturbability, disturb, turbine, disturbance, turbulent
88. *Turco- of Turkey: Turco-Cypriot
89. *–ture- [also -ature] n. action, result, condiction: mixture, fixture, curvature, miniature (不影响重音)
90. -tut-, -tuit- watch: tutor, tutelary, tuition, tutorial
91. *–ty 1) n. [added to adj.]: surety, certainty, subtlety, cruelty, novelty 2) in numbers: sixty (不影响重音)/ti/
92. tyrann- king: tyrant, tyranny
93. *twi- two: twice, twilight, twifold
94. typo- type: typology
95. *–ular adj. of some n. ending in –ule or –le: muscular, particular, capsular (重音’ - ular)/jul[/
96. *–ule n. diminutive: capsule, ridicule, granule (通常重音’ - - ule)/jul/
97. *–ulate diminutive of v.: undulate, ejaculate, regulate
98. *ultra- [positive] beyond, extremely; ulterior [parative]; ultimo- [superlative]: ultriolet, ultra-right, ultramilitant, ultriolet, ultimate, ultimatum
99. –umbr- shade: umbrella, adumbrate, umbra, penumbra, inumbrate
100. *un- 1) [in words of non-Latin, non-Greek origin] not, lack of, the opposite of: unconscious, unconcern, unreason, unwanted 2) back, the reverse or removal of [added to v.]: undeceive, unlearn, unbind, unfasten, unlock, unearth, unbosom
101. –und- we: undulate, abundant, abound
102. *under- 1) in, on, to or from a lower place or side; beneath or below: undertow, underworld, underwear, underground, underline, underwear, underskirt 2) in an inferior or subordinate position or rank: underling, undersecretary 3) too little, not enough, bwloe normal or standard: underdeveloped, underpaid, underachiever, underspend, undersupply, underdose
103. *uni- one: universe, uniform, unify, unite, unity, uniform, unit, unique, unification, unison, unicycle, unilateral
104. *up- upwards: uplift, upstairs, upward
105. –ur- urine: glycouria, polyuria, uropenia, urine, urinate, urinal, uroscopy, urology
106. *–urb- city: urban, urbane, conurbation
107. *–ure n. act, condition, state: picture, tenure, exposure, posure, disclosure (通常重音’- ure)/[/
108. –urg- press hard: urge, urgent
109. *–ut-, -us- use: utility, usage, abuse, misuse, abusive, inutile, utensil
110. *–vac- empty: vacuum, vacate, vacancy, evacuate, vacation, vacuous, vacuity, evacuee, vacuumize
111. *–vad-, -vas- go: invade, evasive, pervade, pervasive, invasion
112. *–vag- wander: vagrant, vagabond, vague, extragant, extragance, divagate
113. *–val- be worth, be strong: value, valor, valiant, valid, invalid, validity, convalesce, convalescent, valorous
114. –van- empty: vanish, vanity, vain, evanesce, evanescent
115. -vandal- destruction: vandalism, vandalize
116. –vari- change: variety, invariable, varied, variant, variance, , variform
117. varico- 静脉曲张: varicose
118. vasculo- blood vessel: vascular
119. vaso- tube: vasoconstriction
120. –vast- empty, waste: devastate, vast
121. *–veget- plant: vegetable, vegetarian
122. –veh-, -vect- carry: vehicle, invective
123. *–ven-, -vent- e: convene, invention, convenient, intervene, prevent, convener, event, preventive, enue, revenue, circumvent, supervene, contrention
124. –veloc- speed: velocity
125. –vent- 1) see –ven-, 2) wind: ventilate
126. –vener- love: venerate, venereal
127. –ver- true: verity, verify, verily, veracious, veracity, verifiable, verisimilar
128. –verb- word: verbal, verbalize, verbatim, verbose, proverb, proverbial, adverbial
129. –vere- respect: revere, reverend
130. *–verg- turn: diverge, converge, convergence
131. *–vert-, -vers- turn: invert, introvert, reverse, diverse, advertise, revert, advert, subvert, subversive, anniversary, divert, diversion, versatile, diversify, divorce, converse, obverse, convert, extrovert, adversity, adversary
132. –vestig- footprint: investigate, vestige
133. *–vest- clothing: invest, divest, transvestite
134. –veter- old: veteran, inveterate
135. –veterin- medicine on animals: veterinary
136. –vex- annoy: vexation
137. *–vi- way: viable, obvious, deviate, deviation, devious, previous, viatic, viaduct, via
138. –vibr- shake: vibrate, vibrant
139. *vice- next in rank: vice-president, vice-governor, vice-consul
140. –vicin- neighbor: vicinity
141. *vid-, -vis-, -view- see: video, review, visual, invisible, provide, provision, visible, visit, advise, revise, revision, prevision, envision, visage, visor, supervision, visa, evident, providence, improvident
142. –vigil- watchful
143. –vigor trong: vigor, vigorous, invigorate
144. –vil- cheap: vile, vilify
145. *-ville [colloquial, derogatory] n.: dullsville (不影响重音)/vil/
146. *–vinc-, -vict- conquer: invincible, victory
147. –vindic- claim: vindicate
148. –vin- wine: vinery
149. –vir- man: virile, virtue
150. –viti- fault: vitiate
151. *–vit- 1) life: vital, vitamin, revitalize, vitality 2): oid: inevitable
152. *–viv-, -vict- live: vivid, vivisect, vivacity, victual, survive, survival, revive, revival
153. *–voc-, -vok- call: invoke, revoke, convoke, provoke, evoke, irrevocable, provocative, evocative, ocation, vocation, invocation, vocal, vocalist, vocabulary
154. –vol-, -volat- fly: volatile
155. –vol-, -volunt- will [n]: volition, voluntary, volitional, volunteer, benevolent, malevolent, involuntary
156. *–volv-, -volut- turn over: evolve, revolve, revolution, devolve, revolutionary, evolution, involve, intervolve, involvement, revolver
157. *–vor- eat: carnivorous, omnivore, herbivore, voracious, voracity, devour
158. –vow-, -vot- vow, prayer: devout, devote, ow
159. –vulg- mon: divulge, vulgar
160. –vulner- wound: vulnerable, invulnerable
161. *–ward, -wards in the stated direction [adj. and adv.]: backward, afterwards(不影响重音)/w[d/ /w[dz/
162. *–ways in the stated direction: lengthways, crossways, sideways (不影响重音)/weiz/
163. *with- backward, against: withhold, withdraw, withstand
164. *–wise in the stated way or aspect: clockwise, counterclockwise, populationwise (不影响重音)/waiz/
165. –wright maker: shipwright, playwright (不影响重音)/rait/
166. xeno- foreign: xenophobia
167. xero- dry: xerosis, xerography
168. xylo- wood: xylophone, xylograph
169. *–y 1) adj. of mono-syllabic n. [-ey after a vowel] : sunny,drowsy, chilly, dirty, healthy, wy, clayey 2) also –ie endearment: piggy 3) n. quality, condition, collective: jealousy, soldiery, mastery 4) a shop or goods of: grocery 5) n. action of: inquiry, discovery (不影响重音)
170. –yer see -er
171. zoo- animal: zoology, zoomorphic, zoophilist, zoogeography
172. –zoon, -zoa [pl.] animal: dermatazoon (重音’zoon/’zoa)/z[un/ /z[u[/
173. zyg- couple: zygomorphism
174. zymo- enzyme: zymogen, zymoprotein
巧用词根记忆每天背一百advertise [5AdvEtaIz] 做广告(vert-旋转) agriculture农业(agri=acre-亩、田地) angle [5AN^l] 角度(ang-Ang-词根:角度) assassinate [E5sAsineit] v.暗杀,行刺(sass-切、杀...
考研英语词汇常考词根之二文都教育:考研英语词汇常考词根之二 ann, enn=year,表示年,一年 annual 一年一度的(ann+ual) anniversary 周年纪念(anni+vers转+ary→一年转到一次→周年纪念日) annuity 年金;养老金...
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考研英语词汇常考词根404740.claim, clam=cyrout, shout,表示呼喊,叫喊” claim要求;论断 clamor喧哗;吵闹(clam+or表名词) clamorous吵闹的 acclaim欢呼;喝采(ac一再+claim→一再喊→欢呼) acclamation喝采,...
法语词缀1. 表示“否定”的前缀 a-,an-, 不,非,无 apolitique[不问政治的];anonyme[不具名的] im-(il-,im-,ir-) 不,非,无 inaltérable[不变质的];illisible[不清楚的];immangeable[不能吃的];irr...
考研英语词汇常考词根30.carn=flesh,表示肉,肉欲” carnal肉体的;肉欲 carnival狂欢节,谢肉节 carnivore食肉动物(carn+vore吃→吃肉的) carnivorous食肉类的 reincarnate再具肉体,转生 carcass尸体;残...
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