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[大学英语相似词辨析46:dare普通动词,dare情态动词]dare(普通动词),dare(情态动词) 考试大Dare的意思是“敢于”、“冒险”,它既可用作普通动词,又可作情态动词用(modal verb/auxiliary verb)。作普通动词用时,有各种时态形式的变化,第...+阅读

1.He _____live in the countryside,so he was____hard work,but I am not used to. 第一空填used to do sth 过去怎样 ,第二个used to 这个和前面的was 构成be used to (doing) sth,表示常常做某事2.You must have seen the movie Titanic,_____you? 填haven't 因前句有have3.You must have done your homehork yesterday evening,____you? 填didn't 前句有时间词yesterday4.If you want help,let me know,____you? 填will 表将来,事情没有发生5.You look happy.You _____(have)a good time at the party. 填must have had一定是发生了什么,用have had 现在完成时因为高兴是推测在派对玩得愉快的结果,6.He _____help speaking English when we arrived in Britain.填couldn't can't help doing sth 是固定短语,表示无法控制,用过去时因为,从句arrived是过去时7.I____(do)so,but I don't remember.填may have done情态动词虚拟语气,用现在完成时表示对过去的虚拟8.-Must we sweep the floor now?-No,you___not.填needmust 提问 用needn't回答9.-I stayed at a hotel while in NewYork.-Oh,did you?You____stay with Barbara.填could have stayed情态动词虚拟语气,用现在完成时表示对过去的虚拟10.You are in uniform.You must be a policeman,____you? 填aren't因为be11.No matter how heavy the rain was,she____give up attedning his leture.填would not虚拟语气,12.He announced that he _____walk home.And soon he disappeared. 填would与annouced时态一致13.You naughty boy!You ____get what you deserve.填shallshall有一种责备的意味,表示你应该怎样,但是又不像must那样是必须要完成的行为14.You____get the book as soon as I have read it.填shall理由同1315.It is said that the meeting____next week.选AA.is to be held B.is going to hold C.is held D.will hold有next week表面会议还没有开,c就不行,其他都可以表示将要但,b应该是is going to be held ,d应该是will be held 均应该是被动16.I smell something____in the kitchen.Can I call you back in a minute? 选AA.burning B.burnt C.being burnt D.to be burntsmell sth doing,这种表示感觉的词还有feel, see等,sth直接用doing不用再加被动17.Don't sit there____nothing.Come and help me with the table.选CA.do B.to do C.doing D.and doing固定搭配,如果选d要改成and do,用and的话动词必须和sit是一个平行结构18.The picture___on the wall is painted by my nephew.选BA.having hung B.hanging C.hangs D.being hunghanging是过去分词做定语,“挂在墙上的画”19._____the exam,the boy was punished by his father.选DA.No passing B.Having passed C.Not passing D.Not having passed根据句意,肯定是否定句,“没有通过考试,这男孩被父亲责罚了”排除ba 不能用no,要用not,选d因为此事已经发生了,c的话是还没有发生,后面的句子应该改为the boy will be punished by his father20._____(advertise)plays an important role in our daily life .填Advertising必须是动名词,



中职高二英语基础模块下册语文出版社unit7情态动词 Modal VerbsLadies and Gentlemen, It's my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. The content of my lesson is《 foreign language teaching and research press》...

情态动词是什么情态动词,在英文中主要用来表示说话人的看法、态度等。它很接近中文里的能愿动词。 从用法上来说,它有这样几个特点: 1)各个情态动词自身都有一定的词义。 2)情态动词不能在句中...

什么叫情态动词情态动词是一种本身有一定的词义,表示说话人的情绪,态度或语气的动词,但不能单独作谓语, 只能和其他动词原形构成谓语。 编辑本段分类: 情态动词有四类: ①只做情态动词:must,can(c...

英语情态动词用法情态动词是一种本身有一定的词义,表示说话人的情绪,态度或语气的动词,但不能单独作谓语, 只能和其他动词原形构成谓语。 情态动词数量不多,但用途广泛,主要有下列: can (could), ma...

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英语情态动词的用法情态动词的定义: 情态动词是一种本身有一定的词义,表示说话人的情绪,态度或语气的动词,但不能单独作谓语, 只能和其他动词原形构成谓语。 We can be there on time tomorrow. 我...

高考英语情态动词本题选A 这道题考察的是情态动词的使用。D选项has to be显然不正确,属于结构杂糅。B选项will be表示未来是,显然也不对。C选项mustn't be表示必须不可以是,含有一种强制性,不适...

谁能用最通俗的语言解释下俄语中的及物动词和非及物动词俄语动词可以分为及物动词和不及物动词两类。 VY/r2o# 1. 及物动词表示直接及于客体的动作。客体用不带前置词的第四个表示。例如: M0m%S:2 — Директор встре...
