[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读
Questions41 – 52
Read the text below about job vacancies
In most of the lines 41 - 52 there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect of does not fit in with the sense of the text. Some lines, however,are correct .
If a line is correct , write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet .
If there is an extra word in the line,write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet .
The exercise begins with two examples, (0) and (00) Temporary staff required
0 Data Facts Limited is an expanding management services pany whose
00 based in the north of England. We are undertaking a major piece of research
41for a leading financial institution . Part of the research is being a nationwide
42 telephone survey in early part December. Phone calls will be made from an
43 office in the centre of Manchester. The temporary staff will receive a fully day's
44 training. They will then phone people who he been agreed to take part in the
45 survey and will go on through a questionnaire with them. They will be required
46 to record the responses accurately in writing. It will be necessary for those who
47 appointed to work a certain number of evenings and weekends. We are
48 looking for people who he a good telephone manner. A good level of their
49 education is desirable, but what we most require of people taking on this
50 work is mon sense and the experience of getting thins done over
51 the telephone. Some knowledge although of banking or insurance would be an
52 advantage. Interested candidates should contact with our Recruitment Officer by phone or email to request an application form.
Writing 1 hour 10 minutes
Part one
Question 1
●An international survey has recently been conducted, asking whether panies plan to alter their spending on information technology next year. The pie charts below pare planned expenditure on IT by European and South-East Asian panies in the ing year
●Using the information from the pie chart , write a short report describing the differences between Europe and South-East Asia.
●Write 120-140 words
Part two
Write an answer to one of the question 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 200-250 words.
Question 2
●Your pany opened a new branch a year ago and the Managing Director at Head Office has asked you to prepare a report on its progress.
●Write your report for the Managing Director. Including the following information:
●the reason for opening the branch
●its successes
●problems experienced
●plans for the ing year
Question 3
Your department recently moved to a new building, you are not satisfied with the way the removal pany dealt with the move of your furniture and equipment and he decided to write a letter of plaint to the removal pany about it.
Write the letter to the removal pany, including the following information:
Details of the move and what was moved
What was unsatisfactory
What you had expected from the pany
What you expect to happen now
Question 4
the international anization you work for is considering the possibility of producing a promotional brochure to publicise the pany abroad . The Managing Director has asked you to write a contribution for this brochure.
Write your proposal for the Managing Director, including the following information
Possible contents of the brochure
Ways to make it attractive
Benefits the brochure could he for the pany
approximately 40 minutes (including 10 minutes' transfer time)
Part one:
Question 1-12
●You will hear a representative of a pany which anizes trade fairs for academic recruitment . she is talking to a group of prospective clients.
. ● As you listen, for questions 1-12. plete the notes, using up to three words or a number.
●.After you he listened once, replay the recording.
Praxis Academic Recruitment Fairs
Specific geographical areas served:
(2) __________________________________________________________
Package includes:
Exhibition(3) ___________________________________________________
Delivery of all (4) ___________________________
Local(5) ___________________________
"Filtering system":
Works through (6) ___________________________
Advertisements placed in (7) ___________________________
And on (8) ___________________________
"context-sensitive" feature:
Convenient (9) ___________________________
Services of (10) ___________________________
More details from publicity leaflet about:
(11) ___________________________
Special services
(12) ___________________________
Part two
Question 13-22
●You will hear five different people speaking about changes in personnel in their place of work
●For each extract there are two tasks, For Task One , choose the reason for change in personnel from the list A-H .For Task Two, choose the action that has been taken as a result, from the list A –H
●After you he listened once, reply the recording
Task one—Reason
●For questions 13-17 ,match the extracts with the reasons, listed A –H
●For each extract, choose the reason each speaker mentions.
●write one letter A-H next to the number of the extract
A sick lee
B dismissal
C promotion
D secondment
E resignation
F study lee
H redundancy
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