[考研英语一:用什么辅导书比较好求研友推荐!谢谢!]1.历年英语考研真题(必备)适合整个阶段使用。不建议一开始就做真题。 2.张锦芯的200篇这本书阅读题出的很简单,这是公认的。但是有一点希望大家重视,就是它的后半部分有几章,是关...+阅读
1. With China's accession to the WTO and foreign economic exchanges between the deepening and expanding rapidly, English is becoming advertising companies to promote export sales, open up overseas markets, a major means. 2. Advertisements can use the controversial topic of political and social topics for beginning their own propaganda, can also be blown out to seize their products to the consumer's attention, and guide them to purchase products or services. 3. This brand of vacuum cleaners on the international market quite competitive, is similar in the best-selling products. 4. We produce computer characterized by good quality, small size, energy saving, and easy to use. 5. With the world's economic development, newspapers, magazines and television increasingly dependent on advertising, and it will become a large part of corporate income
怎么办呢?求英语大神求翻译下面的英文 Please尽量准确9.4.5 二面(第二次面试) 为了获取更多信息来确定求职者是否适合一项工作,大多数组织(公司)会进行二面。公司会选择多种类型的面试方式,比如“结构性”面试和“非结构性”面试。在...
怎么办啊我的英语怎么办啊以下是几点英语学习方法的总结(希望可以帮到您) 一、 读 每天都应坚持读。 1、 朗读:一般文章读2~3遍,带着理解去读,而不只是为读而读。 2、 背诵:好的文章应背熟,以记住好词好句,同...
尊重是相互的英语怎么说“尊重是相互的”英文:respect is mutual 相似短语: 1、respect yourself 自我尊重 2、respect each other 相互尊重 3、have respect for 尊敬;重视;关心;考虑 respect 读法 英...
英语problem是什么意思1、n. 难题;引起麻烦的人 2、adj. 成问题的;难处理的 读法:英 [ˈprɒbləm] 美 [ˈprɑːbləm] 短语e79fa5e98193e4b893e5b19e31333431373937 1、Dirichlet problem 狄利克雷...
写一篇关于开运动会的英语短文内容包括:时间地点开幕式Our school held a sports day on 28th and 29th. When we reached the field, everybody lookd very excited and can't wait for the competition to start. All the part...
运动会的英语短文 70字简单的要有翻译急!SPORTS MEETING Every year, we have Sports Meeting. It is one of the biggest activities for us. Now it is coming soon. Everyone is getting ready for this. Sports...
用英语记一次运动会60词Last month we had a sports meeting.Though the weather wasn't very fine that day,the students were all very excited and the whole school was alive.This time,I wa...
zara公司的介绍用英语展开全部 One of the top fashion companies and the definer of 'fast fashion' and Zara supply chain model. Zara offers lower price apparels in most updated fashio...
求几句商业英语的实用语句呵呵,跟客户说话语气最好客气点。所以我自己一般会委婉点: What do you want?/What can we do for you? Is there anything else you want? May I know your name please? 这...