[学围棋对宝宝的智力提升有什么好处]1、可以培养儿童心静和认真的学习态度; 2、可以培养儿童的逻辑思维能力和记忆力; 3、可以完善和提高儿童的判断能力和大局观念; 4、可以培养儿童的集中力、计算力、记忆力、思...+阅读
The airplane is quick, but the expense is big, suits long-distance,
the train is convenient, the expense is appropriate, takes also (sleeping berth) comfortably, suits long-distance;
The public transportation is cheap, but makes a long journey not suitably.The expense is low.
Moreover considered from the security that, the train safety coefficient compares other high.
We can be seen everywhere bus. The bus and us and advantages, and disadvantages.
The bus is very cheap. If we are going to walk can't reach, and far away places, we usually choose go by bus. Because it is the cheapest. The subway, a taxi will be more expensive than the bus. Have the taxi start price we sit for several days of enough buses. In addition, from the perspective of environmental protection, the bus is environmental protection of transportation. Bus than a private cars. The many environmental protection So the administration proposed us more than the best sideline by bus. This is all for environmental protection a force.
But there are many shortcomings. Bus It's small load. So on a bus during the rush period of time, often crowded. In addition, the bus seat is not very comfortable. The bus speed is not soon, and according to a certain line, such as a driving accident, can't go around. The bus only in a prescribed period does. So often we need to wait for the bus. Sometimes it's a waste of time.
The bus for us both advantages and disadvantages. So we need to do different according to different choice.
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