

12月21日 编辑 39baobao.com


前面的话应该没什么难度吧? i'm from XI'an and my name is LiYao. 然后告诉人家你的年龄,学校,这些相信你不知道怎么说吧? when i was child,i have a dream.a beautiful dream.I dreamed to fly in the blue sky someday. Now I have the opportunity to make it come true.如果是面试的话,自我介绍尽量掌握在1-2分钟之内.但是按照你的语言,显然有些单薄,你应该在自我介绍中加上自己的性格特点.比如你有团队合作精神,这点对于任何企业来说都很重要!You should say "i'm supportive , dependable and cooperative.i'm also a good team player.i like working with all types of people,even bad-tempered people.而且,你要面试的是你的工作单位!不是学校. 不应该说 "如果我能被贵校录取"应该说"如果我有幸成为你们的一员" : If I have the honor to become a member of yoursi will try my best to give the last measure of devotion . because i know the weakest goes to the wall,and the most important is i have a strong love on this career. Thanks for listening .


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