[求初中生即兴演讲的题目不要太难或者关于即兴演讲这种比赛的经验]演讲扣住青少年,实事等内容,里面要加一些幽默的成分,要符合评委的胃口 知己知彼百战百胜,了解评委的身份,比如有个文学家评委,你就讲一个关于文学方面的,在有些与评委的互动。 这个...+阅读
1st 10 Good Impromptu Speech Topics
* What moral issue best defines you?
* What is the biggest effect of the internet?
* Describe your worst experience
* Discuss the most memorable event in your life
* Is capitalism the best political and economic system? Defend your choice.
* Is knowledge more important than wisdom?
* Is a glass half full or half empty? Explain your choice.
* Why are humans so fascinated with understanding the universe?
* Does technology live up to it's promise?
2nd 10 Good Impromptu Speech Topics
* The morality of zoos
* Three keys to a happy life
* Reality TV shows
* Beauty
* You are what you eat
* Love is a choice
* Professional athletes are overpaid
* Dogs are better than cats
* How to become a millionaire
* Importance of communication
3rd 10 Good Impromptu Speech Topics
* Bottles versus cans
* Real or fake Christmas trees
* peer to peer technology
* Motorcycle helmets
* The worst/best book you ever read
* All time favorite movie
* Your first memory
4th 10 Good Impromptu Speech Topics
* The best things in life are free
* Clothes make the man/woman
* Good versus Evil
* Your favorite sound
* Your least favorite sound
* Exams are/are not good forms of assessment
* Why it's important to meditate
* What are you grateful for?
* Speed dating
5th 10 Good Impromptu Speech Topics
* Your favorite relative
* Your favorite holiday
* Internet affairs
* The greatest gift we can give others is...
* If I were invisible for a day...
* What I would do if I knew I could not fail
* The most successful person I know
* Good grades matter
* Everyone should be a volunteer
求 3分钟即兴演讲无题目要求蓝天和白云的心一样,希望白鸽自由翱翔。 老师和父母的心一样,希望我们健康成长。 花开的日子我们走进大学校园这个快乐的地方,在平安校园愉快歌唱; 花开的日子我们遨游在大学校...
幼儿园教师即兴演讲题目解答各位领导、各位老师: 大家好! 看着新老师在国旗下庄严宣誓,我心潮澎湃,心中无限感慨:真是青春无价!青春万岁!听着郑捷老师的报告,再一次为之震撼和感动:钢铁就是这样炼成的!今天,平凡的...
英语即兴演讲有什么技巧即兴演讲比赛的准备方法: 即兴演讲比赛大体可以分为两种。一种是在比赛之前,给演讲者一个较大的内容范围和一段准备时间,在比赛中再抽题演讲。另一种则是没有内容范围,只是在演...
英语即兴演讲的技巧即兴演讲是多即兴?一点准备时间都没有的么? 我觉得首先应该要知道具体都需要讲些什么,第一点第二点在心里面都要清楚,有必要的时候写下来可以在接下来说的时候作为提醒。 其次就...
英语即兴演讲技巧1.举例时可以试试用use of three也就是引用三种不同东西来引述你的观点 2.注意尽量不可以停顿,假如不知道的话或是需要时间去想可以拉开话题或是说虐拖延时间的话比如: in tha...
求助!英语即兴演讲题目的回答!1.How to balance study and activities in school ? 2.Honesty is the best policy 3.It is necessary to say “no”sometimes 4.A good beginning is half the blttle 5....
英语即兴演讲题目求解答In general,killing people subjects to capital punishment. But we need to find out what the motive is behind. If by necessity such as defending himself or others...
有没有即兴演讲比赛通用的英语演讲稿Keep Your Direction 坚持你的方向 What would you do if you failed? Many people may choose to give up. However, the surest way to success is to keep your directio...