[我心向上出彩人生演讲稿500字]各位领导、各位同事: 大家下午好! 我演讲的题目是“爱岗敬业,惜岗乐业”。 我想许多平凡岗位上的员工都曾经想过这样一个问题,我是一个平民老百姓,在平凡的岗位上工作,我们能做什...+阅读
My name is XX, from XX. I scored unsatisfactory and did their desired universities. I think, either in the country on a first-class colleges, or to go abroad. If on a domestic university, it is a waste of time. So I chose to study abroad.
So I understand that New Zealand students through the Internet has more advantages. First of all, New Zealand is a multicultural country, a time-advanced level. Second, the students lower costs than other countries, more reasonable. Third, the weather and almost southern China. Therefore, I propose to the parents to New Zealand to study the wishes of the parents get the support.
From 06 to 07, I CIBT School of Beijing University of Technology to study for two years, I am learning is that I am interested in business management. Through this two-year study, as in the commercial, I later laid a foundation for learning.
Many schools in New Zealand, I chose the UNITEC Institute. UNITEC is unique in that the traditional university academic standards and polytechnics and technical advantages of combining vocational education. School in combining theory and practice for school concept, exploring the creativity of the students to continue to adapt to social change.
This year, China will host the Olympic Games in Beijing. , The eyes of the world gathered here. In particular, some businessmen in China, a huge potential market in search of business opportunities. Therefore, I choose to UNITEC Institute study marketing, I believe that this right after I returned employment development will be of great help. UNITEC particularly to the integration of theory and practical teaching methods, more determined my choice. Reading through UNITEC of Chinese students in the exchange, I understand MARKETING study very hard, I need to put more time and energy on top. Maybe I can not be like the other students on edge as the Edge Reading. But my parents understood my idea, I am willing to fully support the school.
养成好习惯成就好人生的一篇演讲稿:各位同学、各位老师,星期一早上好! 我今天讲的题目是:好习惯成就好人生。先请同学们听一个小故事:父子两住山上,每天都要赶牛车下山卖柴。老父较有经验,坐镇驾车,山路崎岖,弯道特多...
急求一篇300字左右的演讲稿!题目为勤奋成就人生!各位老师、同学们: 早上好!今天我讲话的题目是《勤奋,成就人生》。 中国有句古话,叫 “一勤天下无难事”。就是说只要勤奋没有做不成事情。 那么什么是勤奋呢?就是认认真真,踏实实...
求演讲稿:好习惯成就好人生急需!600字以上!语言要煽情尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 爱比克泰德说过:“是否真有幸福,并非取决于天性,而是取决于人的习惯。”由此可见,养成一个好习惯是多么重要啊! 在学校开展的整改陋习活动中,我...
夏令营演讲稿怎么写感恩天下父母心 孝,其为人之本也。一个只有懂得感恩父母的人,才能更好的感恩他人,感恩社会。亲爱的同学们,你们想过没有?从我们出生到现在,那个被我们称为母亲,称为妈妈的人为我们...
演讲稿作文200字原发布者:谭韬君 演讲稿200字 (一)平平淡淡是最真,说到底不就是自甘平庸、自甘无为吗?曾几何时,我们这些带着中学彩色梦走进大学校门的莘莘学子们也在高喊着:平平淡淡是最真。且有...
急求关于读一本好书的演讲稿大约演讲时间为6分钟左右多品读好书,感悟经典 --谈《于丹论语心得》 茶香味美,需要用心去品;花香四溢,需要用心去赏;书香醉人,更需要用心去读。 ——题记 在这个世界上,最有力量的东西,莫过于书本了。一本好书...
求一份英语演讲稿时长三分钟左右内容为未来规划Between the spring equinox to the summer solstice, the day of time begins to grow, it gets dark very slowly. But once covered the night sky open, Piansi ink is...