[我当小小心理辅导员初中演讲稿]一天,一位同学向我抱怨她诸事不顺,心情烦躁。我想不仅仅是这个学生有这样的感想,恐怕有时很多人都会这样觉得。于是,我就想到了这一次的主题。 我的题目《世界是365度的,关键在于...+阅读
a few suggestions about how you can build your self-confidence: 1. Don't worry about being perfect. There are never right or wrong answers to complex business decisions. The best that you can do as a leader is to gather all of the information that you can (in a timely manner), do a cost-benefit analysis of potential options, use your best judgment — and then go for it. 2. Learn to live with failure. Great salespeople are the ones who get rejected the most often. They just ask for the order more than the other salespeople. You are going to make mistakes. You are human. Learn from these mistakes and move on. 3. After you make the final decision — commit! Don't continually second-guess yourself. Great leaders communicate with a sense of belief in what they are doing and with positive expectations toward the achievement of their vision. 4. Show courage on the outside — even if you don't always feel it on the inside. Everyone is afraid sometimes. If you are a leader, your direct reports will read your every expression. If you show a lack of courage, you will begin to damage your direct reports' self-confidence. 5. Find happiness and contentment in your work. Life is short. My extensive research indicates that we are all going to die anyway. Do your best. Follow your heart. When you win, celebrate. When you lose, just start over the next day. 1
英语口语情景对话六年级HAVE A PATRY: A:Hi, Mary, happy birthday! Am I late? B:No, you are on time! Look, my mum bought me a birthday cake! A:Oh, it is so big! It must be very deliciou...
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