

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[竞选大学导员助理演讲稿]助理辅导员竞选演讲稿 尊敬的领导、亲爱的同学们: 大家晚上好,我是XXX班的XX,能站在这里来参加竞选,我感到十分荣幸。 在大学生的成长成才过程中,辅导员的工作发挥着至关重要的作...+阅读

Lesson knowledge is external as a teacher , except needing to impart on a student if the teacher is that sunlight issues the greatest occupation, correct student outlook on life , morality Taoist temple , outlook on values cultivate being also to be playing all-important role, be requiring that our teacher needs to pay attention to teachers' professional ethic accomplishment especially right now, whether can own a loving heart, fervency offers self all as a tribute to education cause , is the fundamental criterion estimating that a teacher is qualified or not, That every teacher hopes talented person , moral education training morals , wisdom out , experiencing and observing all-round development's is that it's core , the ancients says: If the ruler acts properly , the common people will obey him without being ordered to; It's the body checks student Shi Yi moral education though making poorly the obliquity,that the teacher must have the teachers' professional ethic , the so-called teachers' professional ethic, is that the teacher carries out the job educating teaching , various relation of treatment responds to the code of ethics and behavior regulations observing, moral character , ideal belief including the teacher, correct the cause attitude and affection and relevant behavior habit etc., the teacher is student's model , a word and an action may affect student's growing up , must instruct and influence others by one's word and deed looking at and appraising union. In concrete teaching practice, I readjust oneself to a certain extent all the time with the teachers' professional ethic in the first , face to face the student is warmhearted , patient , intimate, discriminate against a student , treat the student on the same footing , discover the sense of honour praising , arousing a student in time after student progress ,words and deeds restraining oneself moreover strictly, because of me know very well that "Example is always more efficacious than precept ", "be a model for others" being how important.



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