[急需一篇12 9主题有关永远跟党走的三分钟600字演讲稿参加演]尊敬的各位领导、老师,亲爱的同学们:大家好!我是8年级1班的。首先向大家做一个简单的自我介绍。我是一个活泼开朗,热情外向的女孩。我品学兼优,历次考试都名列前矛,8年级的升级考...+阅读
美国总统反对克隆人类早期胚胎 东方网11月28日消息:美国总统布什26日对一家美国公司宣布率先用克隆技术制造出人类胚胎作出反应,称该公司的做法“从道德上讲是错误的”。 布什在白宫对记者说,克隆人类胚胎是错误的。作为一个社会,我们不应该在培育生命之后又将其毁灭。他说,他过去已经明确表示反对进行这样的研究,他的立场没有任何改变。他呼吁美国参议院采取行动,通过禁止克隆人的法案。 又讯:美国先进细胞技术公司利用成年人体细胞首次成功克隆出人类早期胚胎的消息传出后,法国生物学家及生物伦理学家纷纷发表意见,强烈批评美国科学家的做法,认为这一实验结果不但没有科学意义,而且跨越了人类恪守的禁区,是对生物伦理的严重挑衅。 法国国家农艺学研究所动物克隆专家让-保罗·勒纳尔表示,美先进细胞技术公司所使用的方法实际上就是5年前克隆“多利”羊的方法,并非什么新技术。因此,美国科学家的这一结果从科研角度来讲意义不大。 法国生物伦理学家让-弗朗索瓦·马太也表示,美国科学家的这一做法是非常危险的,他们在世界上第一个跨越了人类的禁区。 The president of the United States against the cloning of human embryos Oriental Network November 28th news: the United States President Bush 26 of an American company announced the first cloning technology to create human embryo responded, saying the company practice" it is morally wrong". Bush told reporters at the White House, the cloning of human embryos is wrong. As a society, we should not be in the cultivation of life after its destruction. He says, he has made clear his opposition to conduct such research, his position without any change. He called for the United States Senate action, through legislation that would ban human cloning. News: the United States advanced cell technology using adult human cells for the first time successfully cloned human embryos after the news came out, French biologist and bioethicists express an opinion in succession, strongly criticized the United States scientists approach, that the results of this experiment are not only scientific significance, but also across the human abide by the area, is the bioethics severe provocation. The French national agronomic Institute of animal cloning expert let Paul Renard said, the United States advanced cell technology the method used is actually 5 years ago" Dolly" clone sheep method, is not a new technology. Therefore, the United States scientists that result from the research perspective of little significance. French bioethicists make - Matthew Francois also said the United States scientists, this practice is very dangerous, they are the world's first across human area. 美国总统布什再次强调反对克隆人 在美国一家生物技术公司科研人员宣布对克隆人的研究已获得医学突破之际,美国总统布什25日再次表示,绝对反对克隆人。 白宫发言人米勒怀思说,总统布什已经“表明了百分之百反对任何形式克隆人的态度”,并且全力支持美国众议院通过禁止克隆人的议案。同时,布什还建议参议院也通过此项议案。 The president of the United States against the cloning of human embryos Oriental Network November 28th news: the United States President Bush 26 of an American company announced the first cloning technology to create human embryo responded, saying the company practice" it is morally wrong". Bush told reporters at the White House, the cloning of human embryos is wrong. As a society, we should not be in the cultivation of life after its destruction. He says, he has made clear his opposition to conduct such research, his position without any change. He called for the United States Senate action, through legislation that would ban human cloning. News: the United States advanced cell technology using adult human cells for the first time successfully cloned human embryos after the news came out, French biologist and bioethicists express an opinion in succession, strongly criticized the United States scientists approach, that the results of this experiment are not only scientific significance, but also across the human abide by the area, is the bioethics severe provocation. The French national agronomic Institute of animal cloning expert let Paul Renard said, the United States advanced cell technology the method used is actually 5 years ago" Dolly" clone sheep method, is not a new technology. Therefore, the United States scientists that result from the research perspective of little significance. French bioethicists make - Matthew Francois also said the United States scientists, this practice is very dangerous, they are the world's first across human area.2011,11月26.
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