

12月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[跪求一篇新学期新计划英文作文 120词左右求大神帮忙啊]The new term is coming and I will be wiser and wiser, because i will learn more knowlege. I will do more meaningful things that i think. First,I will get back t...+阅读

Blue Mountain River - Cara Dillon

Blue mountain river

If only for a while

Take me to the river

I lay down by your side

The world is full of madness

And I find it hard to smile

Sleep with you through winter

And wait for summer time

Blue mountain river

Comfort me a while

I 'll follow down the river

I follow you til night

I listen to you whispers

you dance in time to mine

We'll stay awake together

Watching silver in the sky

Blue mountain river

I wanna rest a while

You're changing my reflection

And the seasons in my mind

Let these days go on forever

I 'll leave in my own time

Take me where you're going

And I 'll be right by your side




Blue mountain river

I went there for a while

I listened for an answer and

I found it deep inside

When I'm lost behind the shadows

And I wanna run and hide

Blue mountain river is there right by my side


新学期计划英文作文中文篇一:My Study Plan For The New Term The new term is coming. I am so excited because in the new term, I will be a Grade 8 student. In the new term, I will have so...

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怎么设置背景音乐1、首先进入空间,点音乐盒——正版音乐库,再往下拉,(右下角)就可以看到添加网络音乐了。 添加网络音乐在右下角。 2:打开搜搜音乐或者MP3,在MP3输入栏中输入你想添加的音乐,搜索。3:...

怎样设置背景音乐楼主:你好,我教你免费添加歌曲的方法: 先在找你要的歌曲,找到后,先多刷新几次,找个2-4M的mp3格式的较好, 这样在播放时加载快且音质好,再点试听,看看效果如何,不合适就换一个。 找到合...

怎样设置背景音乐您好! 1、首先进入空间,点音乐盒——正版音乐库,再往下拉,(右下角)就可以看到添加网络音乐了。 添加网络音乐在右下角。 2:打开搜搜音乐或者MP3,在MP3输入栏中输入你想添加的音乐,搜...

ppt背景音乐设置1 为PPT添加背景音乐 方法一: 1. 依次点击“插入-影片和声音-文件中的声音”,在出现的“插入声音”对话框中选中要作为背景音乐的文件,然后单击“确定”,在弹出的对话框中点击“...

怎么弄背景音乐1)在“设置”中设置背景音乐:“设置”——“模板设置”——“高级设置”——“自定义模板”—— “内容模块”——勾选背景音乐 2)设定好后,在“主页”页面右下方的“背景音乐”...

剑雪封喉dota回忆录视频背景音乐越全越好亡灵序曲 克罗地亚狂想曲 electric remeo requiem for a dream cyberworld take down the aromry X 战记 宿命 Serenata immortale drgaon rider 变形金刚主题曲,插曲《skorp...

怎么在QQ空间添加外链背景音乐开通绿砖是无限添加背景音乐!以下是免费背景音乐方法, 打开音乐盒,点背景音乐,在点正版音乐(往下拉右边),然后网下拉看见在线客服,下面有个上传网络歌曲点开,找到网络链接(后面要有MP3...
