用TDD, TEST DRIVEN DEVELOPMENT测试员设计测试用例和测试数据(单元测试), 开发人员用测试员的用例和数据编写UNIT TEST在开发中逐渐积累,把所有的UNIT TEST都发在一起, 美一个AGILE RELEASE 都运行一边所有的单元测试。 (有些公司每天都在运行已有的单元测试)这个只是单元测试阶段。'In agile methods the majority of the automated tests consists of unit tests that verify the smallest possible pieces of software and can be executed very quickly. It makes it possible to execute the test set many times a day or even many times an hour and shortens the feedback loop even more.' by Artem功能测试和性能测试, 我个人认为和AGILE没什么太大关系!