

12月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[2014考研英语真题哪本好讲解详细长难句分析特棒]【红宝书】考研英语10年真题不错。 1.比别的图书条理清晰 2.讲解详细,别的图书大部分都是先给答案,结合答案讲题,此书相反,由题推理得出答案 3.简洁明了,重点突出 【红宝书】考研...+阅读

我写了一篇, 你参考下 Rongjiao Hu(介绍自己) Campus address:Roo,-116,Dormitory 4,College of Science and Technology of HUT,zhuzhou,(412000)Hunan,China. Personal Telephone Number:15886319798 Objiective:(所申请的职位) A position in translate or interpret Education:9教育程度) College of science and Technology of HUT(sep.2007totresent) Human Relations and communication skills:(社会经验) Have a very harmoious relationship with all of my classmatee and teacher ,And also have an excellent communication skill with foreign teachers. Other Skills(其他技能,优势) Frequently use word and excel,powerpoint as well. Deeply love to write English poem. Honors:(荣誉,奖励) English articles have been publishede on our cllege newspapers and magzines and won highpraise. Got the second rank of school scholar between 2008to 2009 Rererences; Available upon request.


商务英语专业课程有哪些有的专业设置一般有三种情况:1、专业为主,英语为辅:课程设置以专业课程为主,只在高年级阶段开设旨在帮助学生提高书面英语专业阅读能力的 “经贸文章选读”课程或类似与专业有关...

商务英语的专业课有哪些?璧目纬滩痪∠嗤???笾掠腥缦驴纬蹋 1、语言实践课 英语精读、英语泛读、英语口语、英语听力、英语写作、 2、语言理论课 英语词汇学、英语语法、商务英语、 3、商务英语基础课...

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初中英语竞赛题on the fly 1.in flight在空中;在飞行中 *Tom was called out because the catcher caught the ball on the fly.汤姆被判出局,因为接球员接住了飞来的球。 2.busy忙碌 *Getti...

谁能提供今年初三全国英语能力竞赛试题1、A crane B capital C countryside ( ) 2、A girl B grow C change ( ) 3、A hello B happy C hand ( ) 4、A when Bwhere C what ( ) 5、A wide B ride C quiet ( ) 6、A...

初一上册的英语竞赛题目二.选择填空 ( ) 1. “Where does your pen pal Simon live?” “He lives ______ Ottawa, Canada.” A. in B. on C. to ( ) 2. “What's ____ favorite subject?” “My fav...


英文简历education怎么写 B.A. of Management, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, 2006—present -Faculty: School of Management -Major: Marketing -Course included: Accounting, Busin...
