This book is a collection of quotes taken from various speeches and comments made by Barak Obama. The quotes are from speeches and are separated in categories such as The People, On Issues, On America, On Slip up's and others. I felt he spoke in a way that everyone could understand as well as being honest and believable. I was particularly surprised on the section that contained his quotes on the slip up's in his life. I felt he was being very honest and straightforward. If you are an Obama fan or one who is in the middle you will like this book. If you are not an Obama fan you will simply pick this book and him apart. If you read it with an open mind I am sure you will enjoy it. I felt he did not try to cross talk or talk in a way that was deceptive but was honest and forth coming about his beliefs. I was so please to read the writing of Presidents Barack Obama. He knew the challeges he would face running for the president of the United States of America. He stood fast and followed his dream. This faith in his heart and in my Heavenly Father, let all us know that we can achieve any thing possible if we only believe in ourselves.
围城读后感要2000字的读《围城》有感 人生快事,莫如读书。书是我们精神的巢穴,生命的禅床。在伸手不见五指的夜晚里,我回味无穷。想起《围城》中的精彩语句,仿佛一只饿狼在疯狂地捕猎。 《围城》一书...
急求围城读后感 50字左右《围城》成功地塑造了方鸿渐这个鲜活的人物形象,蕴含着丰厚的哲理意蕴,通过这一形象给我们以很多启示。 (1)生活在这世上的人必须根据生活环境的变化,适时地调整自己,以顺应环境...
于丹人格教育读后感于丹中小学人格教育,中小学生人格教育观后感 今天早上8:20,河南法制频道播出于丹老师主讲的《中小学人格教育》节目,我们学校给每位家长都发了一张节目预知单,并发了短信告知。...
读后感500字积极积极积极积极积极★《童年》读后感(500字) 最近,我读了高尔基的《童年》。 这是作者以自身经历为原型创作的自传体小说三部曲中的第一部。讲述的是主人翁阿廖沙.彼什科夫三岁到十岁这一时期的童...
巨人三转读后感 1000字直很想了解贝多芬是一个怎样的人,现在终于有机会拜读法国文学大师罗曼.罗兰《巨人三传》中的《贝多芬传》,从中不仅看到了贝多芬坎坷的生活和艰辛的创作历程,同时看到了这位艺...
跪求巨人三转读后感要符合初一的水准作业要求是在3个人里面,选取一个人来写。贝多芬好写它讲述了著名音乐大师贝多芬传奇而又悲惨的一生。 路德维希·范·贝多芬于一七七零年十二月十六日生于科隆附近蓬恩的一所...
用英文写一篇红高粱的读后感 100词左右This film was absolutely amazing. I have spent hours re-watching various scenes and noticing all the perfection with which they are acted and directed. It's not...