
参加英语讲座的心得体会 800字

12月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语专业论文写作格式是什么]1.2 论文结构的具体要求(请点击示例1,2,3,4,5) 1.2.1 中文题名(2号宋体) 中文题名一般不超过20个汉字;题名不得使用非公知公用、同行不熟悉的外来语、缩写词、符号、代号和商品名...+阅读

I am very happy to participate the English training which is organized by our college for teacher from last semester to this year. From the training I have made some progress in my English. At the same time I know a lot of new colleagues and friends. I want to thank our college and leadership for giving us this chance to further study. And I want to thank Mr. WANG、Mr. ZHANG and Mr. LI for giving me wonderful class. Our college attaches great importance to the English training. At the first class of the training, Mr. WANG , the Vice President of our college gave us the lecture to hope us cherish the training and got some harvest.In general,I have three harvest through this English training. The first one is that I made some progress in listening writing reading and talking. After graduated from university, Ihave little opportunity to study and use English. Although I passed the CET-6 examination when I was sophomore, I forgot most of them after many years. Through this English training, I got back some of English ability in listening writing reading and talking. It is good feeling. The second one is that we know a lot of new colleagues and friends.I work in the school for two years, but I feel embarrassed that I just know few of colleagues who were from other department. From this training, different colleagues from different department study and discuss together. So we have good chance to know each other. The last on is that we can Improve the teaching level. We have own teaching methods in teacher student. Some methods are good, maybe some are not good. So in the training, we not only study English but also we can discuss the different teaching methods. And from the discuss we can learn from other teacher's methods. Finally, Thanks for the concern from all the superiors! Thanks for the support from all the colleagues! And Thanks to Mr. WANG、Mr. ZHANG and Mr. LIfor what you have done!


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