

01月11日 编辑 39baobao.com


The graduation creation our idea is to do a realistic video, with simple simple action animation and video effects and some funny dialogue to shaping a story.The idea is to add some on the hand-painted action of video clips, as well as some real background images to create animated film.Add element of a software effects directly in the video, but in fact we do not very good, is some of the failure.Found in piece after because lots of dialogue in the main line plot cannot be shown completely.Our original idea is to design a kind of some bright spots of animation, as our studio name written, sweetoon, as the name implies, with warm sweet sweet animation plot design something harmony, make people through the story form of the novel and understand the deep meaning of some life philosophy.But the idea is good, the reality is cruel, the film had been hope the audience can feel that you may have lost some of the emotional memories, but if we, too, after a little disappointed, in addition to some music, is the result of living things is the best, but to really do something discovered some from life is not so good.


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