

03月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[一件有趣的事作文]每当想到这件事,我就觉得既好笑又后悔,因这件事,我成为家里人茶余饭话笑谈里的“主角”! 事情经过是这样的,一天放学后,我照例把家门的钥匙放在书包的小袋里,此时我却发现这个小袋...+阅读

This Saturday was my aunt's birthday, so my family went to a resterant to have dinner. We were quite happy. After dinner, we sent presents to my aunt.Then we lighted cancles, sang birthday songs, and finally ate the cake. I think it was very interesting. 在这个周六的晚上是我阿姨的生日,我们全家去了餐馆给阿姨过生日,我们大家都很高兴。等吃完饭后我们都给阿姨送了生日礼物,等送完礼物后我们点蜡烛唱生日歌,然后吃了蛋糕! 我认为这件事很有趣!


A Funny Thing A funny thing happened to me last Friday. I'd gone to London to do some shopping. I wanted to get some Christmas presents, and I needed to find some books for my course at school (you see, I'm a student). I caught an early train to London so by early afternoon I'd bought everything that I wanted. Anyway, I'm not very fond of London, all the noise and traffic, and I'd made some arrangements for that evening. So, I took a taxi to Waterloo station. I can't really afford taxis, but I wanted to get the 3:30 train. Unfortunately the taxi got stuck in a traffic jam, and by the time I got to Waterloo, the train had just gone. I had to wait an hour for the next one. I bought an evening newspaper the 'Standard', and wandered over to the station buffet. At that time of day it's nearly empty, so I bought a coffee and a packet of biscuits--chocolate biscuits. I'm yew fond of chocolate biscuits. There were plenty of empty tables and I found one near the window. I sat down and began doing the crossword. enjoy doing crossword puzzles. After a couple of minutes a man sat down opposite me. There was nothing special about him, except that he was very tall. In fact he looked like a typical city businessman--you know, dark suit and briefcase. I didn't say anything and I carried on with my crossword. Suddenly he reached across the table, opened my packet of biscuits, took one, dipped it into his coffee and popped it into his mouth, I couldn't believe my eyes! I was too shocked to say any thing. Anyway, I didn't want to make a fuss, so I decided to ignore it. I always avoid trouble if I can. I just took a biscuit myself and went back to my crossword. When the man took a second biscuit, I didn't look up and I didn't make a sound. I pretended to be very interested in the puzzle. After a couple of minutes, I casually put out my hand, took the last biscuit and glanced at the man. He was staring at me furiously. I nervously put the biscuit in my mouth, and decided to leave. I was ready to get up and go when the man suddenly pushed back his chair, stood up and hurried out of the buffet. I felt very re. lieved and decided to wait two or three minutes before going myself. I finished my coffee, folded my newspaper and stood up. And there, on the table, where my newspaper had been, was my packet of biscuits.


An interesting thing One day,my mother and I went to a park.We had a good time and we decided to have lunch in the park.My mother bought some milk and bread.My mother told me to wash my hands before lunch.However,when we came back,our bread was gone!We thought that someone took it.We are very angry.I thought that the thief would come back to take the milk.So,my mother and I hid behind a tree and waited.One hour later, no one came and we were very hungry.We gave up and we wanted to go home to have something to eat.Suddenly,I found something under the chair.Oh, it's our bread!


One day, Mary went to the airport to see her friend off. Her friend's name is Jack.

There were so many people in the airport, it was hard to find Jack among the people.

Suddenly, Mary saw Jack and she felt very happy then she shout:” Hi, Jack. Hi, Jack .Here, Here!”

At the same time, Jack waved his arms: ”I'm here!!” . Within 3 minutes, so many policemen came to the front of Jack and caught him: ”Please come with me to the police office.”

Do you know why the police took Jack to the police office?

The word “Hijack” in the English has different meaning, you can find in the dictionary.


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