[三年级英语作文The rabbit and the wolf]Mummy rabbit wants to go shopping. 兔妈妈要去买东西了。 She tells her babies. 她告诉她的兔宝宝们: You must at home. Close the door.Close the window,Remember? “...+阅读
With the development of modern technology, phones have become a very important part of some people's life. They have many functions. One of the most important function is it can help with study. As we know, students nowadays use baidu a lot. They can ask any questions they want and others will respond. Another role of phone is for listening to dialogs. When we study English, we need to listen to a lot of listening materials so that we can improve. Last but not least, we can use phones to take pictures of what we want. For example, we can take pictures of those questions we did wrong and review them any time we want.自己写的,绝没有抄袭
当碰到美味佳肴时,你一定会细嚼慢咽,品味出当中的甜、酸、苦、辣;当碰到某些事物时,你细嚼慢咽品味出当中的意义。 品味书 “书籍是人类进步的阶梯。”这一句话是高尔基所说的。要想进步,就要看书。我想进步。所以我看了许多书。诸如《鲁滨逊漂流记》,我品味出一个人在危险时刻要坚强,平时至少掌握一门专业技能,使自己遇到困难也能生存下去。《钢铁是怎样炼成的》,我品味出做人要坚强,要终生学习,必须保持良好的心态,不要因为一些的挫折而放弃自己机的理想。品味书,让我悟出种种道理,令我读的津津乐道,废寝忘食,真是不亦乐乎。品味书,令我和好书交上朋友,让它带领我走上光明大道。 品味时间 “光阴似箭,日月如梭。”时间是快速的,让我细细地品位出时间是珍贵的,“一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。
”时间是金钱永远买不到的。时间如一列火车,平稳而快速地开过;时间如流水,唱着欢快的歌谣向前流去。时间平凡而珍贵,时间不是无限的,你有属于你的时间,终于有一天,你的时间就用完了。一眨眼,一个星期过去了,又一眨眼,一个月过去了,再一眨眼,一年过去了,太阳升过一轮又一轮,春去夏来,夏去秋来,秋去冬来,不停地循环,时间也不停地流逝,万物也在不停地变化。通过品味,我知道时间的珍贵,令我珍惜时间,利用每分每秒地学习。即使我的时间用完,我也不会觉得我以前浪费时间,浪费每天的24小时。 品味,令我明白了当中的深刻含义,人生需要品味,细细地品味,令人悟出许多道理,使我们更好地心中怀有一阵感谢,感谢这多姿多彩的人生。
英语创新写作 My neighbor next door
Every one will encounter some disturbing things and I am not excepted. My neighbor next door enjoys listening music very much and usually listens until midnight even with a frightening high sound during nights. The loud music irritate my feeling and I could calm down and concentrate on my study. Often ,I is disruptted by the high sound. Due the harassing sound, I could not sleep well at night . I am so angry at what they did .so I went to refer to him . they feel so sorry and apologise to me.
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