

02月14日 编辑 39baobao.com

[白雪公主的故事用英语怎样翻译]Snow White The beautiful Princess Snow White had a jealous stepmother,who knew that Snow White was more beautiful and so she ordered a hunter to kill Snow White...+阅读

I'm a student of Senior Two, but I still remember some interesting things I did when I was a little child. Of them, there was a very funny one. When I call it back[recall it]

(1), I can't help laughing. It was one evening. When my father came home, he brought me a little present——a lovely pigeon. How happy I was! The pigeon had two little round eyes and her feather was grey.“Oh, could I look after her, Dad?”I asked.“Of course!”So I built a little“house”for my pigeon and it seemed that she was also very pleased at her new house[home]

(2)。 Every day I changed water for her, gave her fresh food which she liked to eat and cleaned her house carefully. The pigeon was very friendly to me. When I was close to her, she always sang and jumped to welcome me! A few months later, when I cleaned her cage I found a little white egg in it! It must be her baby, I thought. So I put some cotton under the egg gently and I hoped the little pigeon would come out very soon. One week went by, [but]

(3)the little pigeon did not come out. I asked Dad worriedly: “Why don't[hasn't]

(4)the little pigeon come out? Doesn't she like me?”“Oh,”Dad laughed and said,“the temperature is too low, so the little pigeon will not come out.”“It's not difficult to let her out!”I shouted loudly. I quickly put the egg into a bowl of hot water and waited for her to come out.“Oh, no! The baby will die!”As Dad shouted he took the egg out.“If the egg is in the hot water, it will get boiled! Don't you know?”Dad said angrily.“Oh sorry. I really want to let the baby out!…” The little pigeon never came out. I was very sad…Such was my childhood, filled with happiness and fun. Now I am very busy with my studies. Sometimes I think it would be better for me to go back to my good old days!


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