

01月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[童话寓言故事:蜈蚣请医生]一天,虫儿们开碰头会。蜒蚰、蚯蚓、蜗牛、青虫、磕头虫、蜈蚣和鼓虫都来了。大家在一起快乐地玩耍。突然,青虫叫了起来: 肚子痛呀,哇!哇!啊,不得了,一定是得了急病啦!得赶紧去...+阅读

Butterfly, known as "Butterfly", there are about 14,000 species worldwide, most of the Americas, especially in the Amazon River basin, most varieties, except in the rest of the world outside the polar cold region, are distributed in Asia, Taiwan is also known to a wide variety of butterflies. Colorful butterfly wings and body are all spotted, head rod or a pair of hammer-like tentacles (which is the main difference and the moths, moth antennae many shapes). Largest butterfly wings up to 24 cm, the smallest is only 1.6 cm. Large Butterfly very interesting, specially, some people collect all kinds of butterflies in the Americas "concept Butterfly" movement and "Bird Watching" as a kind of activity, attracting many participants. There are many kinds of butterflies are the main pests of agricultural and fruit



蚂蚁和蟋蟀在炎热的夏天,蚂蚁们仍是辛勤地工作着,每天一大早便起床,紧接着一个劲儿地工作。 蟋蟀呢?天天“叽哩叽哩、叽叽、叽叽”地唱着歌,游手好闲,养尊处优地过日子。 每一个地方都有吃的...

蜈蚣自大的寓意是什么1.选文第二段作者认为“我们仅是我们祖辈的老辈,上古三代反不如现在的悠久古老”,这是为什么?(可引用文中语言回答) 2.选文第三段中说“《伊索寓言》大可看得”的理由是什么?请简...

蜈蚣买汽水的寓言包括了哪些内容有一群昆虫聚集在草堆里一起聚餐联欢,它们一边兴奋地聊着天, 一边开心地吃着可口美味的食物。不多久,它们就把准备的汽水喝了个 精光。在没有汽水的情况下,大家口渴难耐,所以就商...
