[一年级英语小故事A Teacher]A Teacher 一名老师 A teacher was given a ticket for driving through a red light. When she appeared in trafficcourt, she asked the judge for immediate attention...+阅读
Who Pours Ink on My Chair?
Donny is a seven year old boy. He goes to school every day. The school is near his home. So he goes there on foot and es back home on time. But today, he is late. His mother asks him, Why do you go to the headmasters office?
Because the teacher asks us a question in class and nobody can answer it, but I can. Its good to answer the teachers question. But the question is Who pours ink on my chair?
但那个问题 谁把墨水倒在我的椅子上了?
Smart Robot
Look, this robot carries boxes to build blocks! The new smart robot, Sorry, is 60 centimeters high. It weighs 7.5 kilogram. It has a camera eye on its head. It can recognize colors and human faces.
The Bathing Boy
One day, Tom is bathing in a river. He doesnt swim well and will be drown. He calls out loud for help. A man is just passing by. He doesnt help the boy, but stands by and says to him. How imprudent you are! It is dangerous to bath in the river. Oh, yes sir, cries the boy, Please help me out and scold me afterward.
Counsel without help is useless.
他不太会游泳。眼看就要被淹死,他大声呼喊救命。有个人正好从旁边经过,他没有帮助小男孩,却是站在旁边对小孩子说道: 你怎么这么草率!在河里洗澡很危险。哦,先生,小男孩喊叫: 请你还是先把我救起来后再责备我吧。
Big Ben is not the name of a man. It is a name of the clock. It is in London. London is the capital city of England. The big clock has four faces. So no matter where you stand, you can read the face of the clock. The hands are about four meter long.
If you go to London, you may want to visit the house of the Parliament. In that place you will find Big Ben sits at the top of the clock tower in the House of the Parliament. The big clock makes a very loud noise. Ding dong. Ding dong- the clock strikes every quarter of an hour.
比较经典的英语句子想被爱的时候有人来爱你1、One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listeningto strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you tryhard to fet are a...
高中英语经典句子Changes were just around the corn1、A raft is a small boat that you can use to paddle down rivers and streams. 2、A species can bee endangered for different reasons. 3、After that it still took...
经典英语电影句子我一点也不在乎All right,Mr.DeMille,I’m ready for my close-up. 好了,德米勒先生,我已经准备好拍摄我的特写镜头了。 (《日落大道》1950) Death is just a part of life, something we&rs...
经典英语生日快乐祝福语祝一位极帅的人生日快乐Wishing you a wonderful day and a year filled with happiness! 祝你生日妙不可言,整年沉浸在幸福里! You show the warmth of your friendship in so many different ways,T...
大班英语教案:故事《Three little monks》活动目标: 1、进一步熟悉故事 Three little monks 。 2、进行故事表演。 3、体验英语故事表演的乐趣。 活动准备: 黑板上画好一座寺庙,并把黑板放好在一处,表示寺庙所在地 三个...
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