
大班英语教案:故事《Three little monks》

10月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[比较经典的英语句子想被爱的时候有人来爱你]1、One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listeningto strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you tryhard to fet are a...+阅读


1、进一步熟悉故事 Three little monks 。







Step 1:Greeting

T: Good afternoon girls and boys

C: Good afternoon teacher

T: Nice to meet you

C: Nice to meet you too!

T:How are you!

C: I am fine thank you!

T:Le t me sing English chant and English songs

One, Two, Go.

T: Let s do a chant 《one hand tow hands 》《dear doll dear doll》

C: OK.

(带领幼儿表演律动 do it


Step 2 Three little monks

T:Now, we put together the story of three monks say again!

教师带领幼儿把 三个和尚 的故事内容和对话部分进行集体讲述。

Step 3 Show story

T:Today, we\'re going to show the story.(告诉幼儿今天我们要表演故事,选三个小朋友分别扮演这三个和尚,要说这三个和尚的对话。其他小朋友和老师讲述故事情节部分)


Monk 1:I am going to the temple ,la、、、、、、(第一个和尚出场,并走至 寺庙 )

Monk 2:Ah, it is too hot, let me drink some water.(第二个和尚出场,并表演在路上走,但不要走到寺庙处)

Monk 3:Oh, there is the temple.(第三个和尚出场,也是表演在路上,但不能超过第二个幼儿)

T and C:One day, three little monks go to the temple one by one.

Monk 1:(Sing a song) One little monk carries water (第一个和尚表演唱着歌去挑水)

T and C:One little monk carries water by himself.(第一个和尚表演去挑水


Monk 1:Today is very hot 。The water is very。

Monk 2:Yes ,it is very hey I don t want to carry water

Monk 1 and Monk 2:Let us carry water together!(两个和尚表演抬水)

T and C:The little monks carry water by them two .(两个和尚表演去抬水,然后又回到寺庙)

Monk 1:You go to carry water.

Monk 2:No , you go to carry water.

Monk 3:No ,I am not going to carry water. You go to carry water

T and C:Three little monks he no water.

Step 4 请另一部分幼儿进行表演。


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