
幼儿英语she is my new

04月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[幼儿英语有趣故事]幼儿英语故事:咕咚来了A papaya dropped into the lake from a tree, A rabbit who lived near the tree heard it,I must run away,or Ill be in danger. thought the rabb...+阅读



先让小朋友说说他们爱和谁玩,和谁相处的好,和谁经常互相帮助,人数不限 ,由此引出“朋友”的概念,并告诉他们这些是“friends”,某个人就是 “friend”。然小朋友互相自由玩10分钟。并多说“You are my friend.”“We are friends.”


最后找一个女孩和她的新朋友的组合,示范“she is my new friend”。



英语作文my friend

my friend

My friend is a nice gril.She likes smiling very much!We are like the same things.So we have been friend for two years.In primary school,we are in the same class.And now we are also in the same class in the middle school.I get on with her.

She spents a lot of time with school orchestra.But she also likes dance music-she likes dancing.And she enjoys sports as well-she likes tennis.And her brother is the captain of the school tennis team-she very proud of him.

She is lively.This is my friend.Do you like her?what do think of her?I think she is my best friend!



我要六年级上册的一篇作文题目 My


My Friend

I have many friends, Chinese friends and foreign friends. Now, I want to introduce my best friend to you. Cherry is my best friend from Singapore, and she is a girl. She is very smart and beautiful. She likes singing, dancing and shopping. She is good at maths, English and Chinese. She often help me do my homework, so I make a great progress in my lessons now. Of course she also likes playing pingpong, and her pingpong skill is great, and always enjoy themseves with her pingpong friends. Do you want to know more information about Cherry? Oh, I would like to introduce more information about her to you next time.




My Friend

Li Yuan is my best friend from Hongkong, and he is a boy. He is very smart and handsome. He is good at Chinese and English and often help me do my homework. He also likes playing football, and his football skill is great. That's all.




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