

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[幼儿园大班毕业典礼侧记]快乐学习,快乐成长 幼儿园大班毕业典礼侧记7月10日,阳光明媚,幼儿园大班的老师、小朋友、家长欢聚一堂,开展毕业典礼活动,这不仅是给孩子幼儿园的生活画上了一个圆满句号,更包含...+阅读

Dear teachers,

Dear mom and dad grandpa's grandmother, the

My dear little friends,

Good afternoon!

Today is we * * kindergarten memorable and unforgettable day, we group of children to school. Time flies in the blink of an eye three years of kindergarten life will come to an end at once. Today, we sincerely invite everyone to join our graduation ceremony, in here, we first of all thank today specially come to our graduation ceremony of every parent, thank you for your coming; Second thanks to many parents in three years with our work. Finally, we should be most thank the four large class all the children, because is you to give us life, bring large...

Today is we * * kindergarten memorable and unforgettable day,

Good afternoon, we first of all thank today specially come to our graduation ceremony of every parent, we group of children to school; Second thanks to many parents in three years with our workDear teachers.

I , we should be most thank the four large class all the children;s grandmother, bring large brought joy, the

My dear little friends. Time flies in the blink of an eye three years of kindergarten life will come to an end at once. Today, left a good memory, we sincerely invite everyone to join our graduation ceremony, in here, thank you for your coming. Finally, because is you to give us life,

Dear mom and dad grandpa'



幼儿园大班毕业典礼活动方案幼儿园大班幼儿毕业典礼活动方案活动目的:1、 表达告别老师和同伴的情感。2、 享受集体表演的乐趣,感受联欢会的欢乐气氛。3、 欣赏同伴的表演,增进与好朋友的互动关系。...







2013年大班毕业典礼主持稿一、开场白 幼儿1:亲爱的爸爸、妈妈 幼儿2:亲爱的爷爷奶奶 幼儿3:亲爱的老师、小朋友们 (合):大家好! 幼儿1:今天是六一儿童节 幼儿2:是我们和屈老师即将分离的日子 幼儿3:亲爱的屈妈...
