
Joey Moe goodbye的歌词?

01月29日 编辑 39baobao.com

[幼儿园亲子时装秀儿歌词]幼儿园时装秀串词 (一) 1、《花样环保时装秀》小小班A:美丽的夏天,快乐的六一B:彩色的盛装,喜洋洋合:请欣赏小小班带来的表演《花样环保时装秀》 2、《快乐小爵士》小一班C:举起节日...+阅读

Mmm yeah yeah... right I think it's morning My town is waking up Already Sunday now I'm still up in here Still sippin' on champagne The music feels so loud Got nothing left to say I'm all clubbed out We've been to every spot Up in this town And now we're here again This where it always ends I love it, won't pretend But I gotta go Hey Mr. Deejay Turn the music down One last slow dance now By your last round Baby get your jacket Kiss your girls goodbye Ain't no one at the party this time We're leaving, you and I (Goodbye, goodbye) My glass is empty 'Cept for the melted ice Now everybody's gone And in the corner Somebody making out Don't know the light is on Got nothing left to say I'm all clubbed out We've been to every spot Up in this town And now we're here again This where it always ends I love it, won't pretend But I gotta go Hey Mr. Deejay Turn the music down One last slow dance now By your last round Baby get your jacket Kiss your girls goodbye Ain't no one at the party this time We're leaving, you and I This is curtain fall I don't hurt at all Every hot song (even this one) This is where it starts I've seen enough All the pretty girls All said and done (But you know I'll be back, right?) Hey Mr. Deejay Turn the music down One last slow dance now By your last round Baby get your jacket Kiss your girls goodbye Ain't no one at the party this time We're leaving, you and I Hey Mr. Deejay Turn the music down (we're going home to my place) One last slow dance now (we're going home to my place) By your last round Baby get your jacket Kiss your girls goodbye Ain't no one at the party this time We're leaving, you and I


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