

02月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[谁能提供一篇关于运动的英语对话大约2分钟]A:Hello! long time no see! What's your plan for this weekend? B:We haven't any classes this weekend.We are talking about going somewhere to have a picnic? What'...+阅读

在图书馆 S:student T:teacher S:Can I check out this book? T:Yes,for three days. S:When is this book due back? T:It's due on Monday the 25th. S:How much is my fine? T:You owe five jiao. T:Be sure to take care of these book. S:I will. T:Do not write in the book. S:No,I won't. T;Do not rip out the pages. S:No,I won't. T:Make sure that you return the books in good condition. S:Of course.I will. T:Make sure that you return the books on time. S:What day do I need to bring them back? T;You need to return them by Tuesday. S:Could you help me find a book,Red and Black. T:Book in section A or B. S:Thank you. T:You are welcome. 用翻译不,用的话说声


关于最喜欢的运动的英语对话要5分钟左右的A: Hello, Bob! Do you like to play sports? B:Yes, I do. A :What kind of sport do you like? B:My favorite sport is paly soccer. A:Why? B: because it's fun and in...

求一篇5人关于运动喜好的英语情景对话急!拜托各位英语高手Roy: Hey Blake,can you see that? That is Jack!Blake: Yes. He's going to play tennis with me. He's crazy about it recently.Jake: Hi, you two.Roy: Hi Jack. You ar...

英语三人情景对话关于我最喜欢的运动三人分别叫,Ann, Ben, Den 。先见面寒暄一下。Ann " Hey, Ben,Dan. Nice to see you two. " [嗨,Ben,Dan,见到你们两个真高兴]Ben, Dan " Nice to see you too, Ann. " [见到你也很...

求一段关于运动的2人英语对话AC: Hey.Can we help you sir?B: Yeah. I'd like to buy something for my audition. C:Audition?B: En-hun, I'm an actor.A: Ok. This suit?B: Um..Too tight.C: The blue...

急需一篇英语口语情景对话主题 Sports征集中!急急急急A: Are you crazy about sports? B: Certainly, I am a super sports fan. A: Which is your favourite sport then? B: Almost all the ball games such as basketball, so...

急!体育英语情景对话甲:Hei!there is a NBA play-off game today. 乙:Oh!Today is the May 23th,MAGIC vs Boston Celtics.I think that is a big game. 甲:Yes!I think so.Kevin Garnett,Rajon Ro...

英语情景对话My favourite sport不少于三分钟my favourite sport My favourite sport is basketball as it is very exciting. I like basketball because the N.B.A. stars play very well. Basketball is very cheap...

急求儿童故事2分钟左右一个老妇人在森林里发现了一些形状古怪的种子。她便选了三颗带回家,种在自己的花园里。每天早上起床后,她总是先要查看那三颗种子是否已经发了芽。 可是一天早上,老妇人养的一...

2个人讲的英语童话故事要求有对话最好是俩个角色有汉语小红帽(有删除部分)已经按照你的要求改成只有两个人对话的了。基本符合你的要求。 在路上 (一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,小红【Little Red Riding Hood】挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁...
