

01月02日 编辑 39baobao.com


A friend is someone who can let you feel warm when you are depressed. I have many friends. However I only have one best friend and it's XXX. He is the same age as me. He is taller than me. Basketball is his favourite sport. We are in the same class. He likes studying and is good at it, so he gets high marks. We learn from each other and help each other. He will help me if I ever get into troubles. So will I. I hope our friendship will last forever and ever



家长对孩子作文评价怎么写对老师的一点建议:感谢老师们对张婧怡的关心和教育。请老师对张婧怡严格要求,学习更踏实一些。 很高兴里老师及时发现了同学们“笔顺”掌握比较差的毛病,请继续纠正,我们积极配...




英语情景对话生动有趣关于业余爱好和喜欢的科目速回!谢谢My hobby is watching movies,especially western ones. After a long day and tiring study, i would isolate myself from the outer world, immersed in the movie world...

英语口语对话主题是大学生利用课余时间打工好吗A. 反对 B 赞同A. I don't agree with that,because I think our college students should devote all our time to our study.If we go out to take part time job ,we wil...

适合高中生听的英语课外的短文和对话可以去.bbclearningenglish.com看看,里面有很多可以听的,很地道的英式发音,我很喜欢THE TEACHER的节目,正如BBC所说Have some fun with your students as they learn some idiom...

大一下册综合英语text伊索寓言 Aesop's Fables, "Du Hougan If the world is a Marine, then I this is a small fish in the ocean, despite the sea in my book free to travel. One day, I fou...
