

01月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[高中英语书面表达急!急!急!][范文1] Dear editor, I'm a student of Senior Three. I think my parents should buy me a computer now. As we know, computers have been of great use and will be us...+阅读

Life is a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get. You should believe you make your own destiny. You have to do the best with what God gave you. Tomorrow is another day. What you get and gain depends on what you have done. Just like Dove chocolate, first, it tastes bitter .As the time gose on, you will a little smooth and sweet.


中英语书面表达英语高手速速来枪风拉i' d like to say something about my best friend xxx . we have been friends when we were children. we are much in common regarding interests and hobbies .we both...


请问有没有金波的儿童诗十分急拜托春天, 在我敞开的窗子上, 挂着一只断线的风筝。 那根闪光的尼龙丝, 在春风里飘动、飘动。 (风筝,风筝,谁是你的小主人?) 我猜想那放风筝的孩子, 一定又欢喜又扫兴; 他的风筝曾飞上这十...

求英语搞笑段子笑话脱口秀独白越多越好拜托What a big deal A young businessman had just started his business, and rented a beautiful office. Sitting there, he saw a man come into the outer office. Wishin...

贫血该怎么办拜托各位大神贫血食补方法 女性贫血食补 1.生活的调理:保持心情舒畅,避免剧烈活动、劳累。体位改变应缓慢进行,以免产生急性脑缺血而晕倒。 2.饮食的调摄:多吃绿色蔬菜和含铁量高的食物,如蛋...

中英语老师家长会发言稿5分钟左右!谢谢大家啊!急!Very happy because the child, we once again together. First of all to thank you will come to the parents meeting, indeed, only home school hand in hand, and wor...


急求外贸英语函电书籍的推荐要中英文对照实用性强的不要学急求外贸英语函电书籍的推荐,要中英文对照,实用性强的,不要学校的教材,多谢! 深圳外贸论坛szfob给在校大学生的一些意见, 1.学习好外语,这个是最重要了;英语过级的要过级,如果你面试...

神奇宝贝穿越小说要有神兽要完结的没有完结的就字数多的拜托宠物小精灵之小智随行辅导师 等待奇迹(神奇宝贝同人) 宠物小精灵之黑夜统领 宠物小精灵之东方守护者 宠物小精灵之穿越水舰队 宠物小精灵之小智随行辅导师 宠物小精灵之阳光...
