

12月28日 编辑 39baobao.com

[用C语言编写一个随机点名程序]例: #include/*standardinput&output*/ #include/*standardlibary*/ #include/*string*/ #include/*ConsoleInput/Output*/ #include structstudentinfo/*学生信息的结构体*/...+阅读

private sub command1_click()

if text1.text mod 4 = 0 and text1.text mod 100 <> 0 or text1.text mod 4 = 0 and text1.text mod 400 = 0 then

msgbox text1.text & "是闰年"


msgbox text1.text & "不是闰年"

end if

end sub


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vb中编写判断闰年小程序Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim x%, m% x = Val(Text1.Text) Select Case x Mod 4 Case Is <> 0 Print "x" &amp; "不是闰年" Case 0, x Mod 100 <> 0 Print "x" &amp; "是闰年" Ca...

VB编程判断闰年Private Sub Form_Click() Dim a As Integer a = Val(InputBox("输入年份")) If a Mod 400 = 0 Then Print "是瑞年" ElseIf a Mod 4 = 0 And a Mod 100 <> 0 Then Print "是瑞年 " E...

vb编程主要是如何判断闰年的代码Private Sub Command1_Click() dim y as integer y = int(val(text1.text)) if y mod 4 = 0 then if y mod 100=0 then if y mod 400=0 then text2.text=text1.text + "是闰...
