

12月27日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我的寒假生活英语作文急急急用啊急急急用啊急急急用啊]Today is the first day of my winter holiday. I got up at about 10 o'clock. Then I brushed my teeth, washed my face and had some bread and milk for my breakfast....+阅读

Hello, foreign friend My name am Li Hua. Was going to graduate, thedaily study and the schoolwork brought the very tremendous pressure tous. Therefore invites you to come the faction meeting together! Relaxesthe mood . We will be triumphal returning on July 10 the club hold faction tomeet . The attention do not have to bring the risk or the explosive flammablegoods. Please arrive on time the conference site . This our goal mainly is lets everybody relax the mood, some good pointof view comes facing the test. 你们好,外籍的朋友.我叫李华.将要毕业了,每天的学习与功课给我们带来很大的压力. 所以邀请你们一起来开个派会!来放松心情. 我们将于7月10日在凯旋俱乐部举行派会. 注意不要带危险性或易爆易燃的物品. 请按时到达会场. 这次我们的目的主要是让大家放松心情,有一个好的心态来面对考试.


急用电子厂实习日记实习日记要求(电子,电信专业) 1.书库统一购买 2.按照以下日程安排表书写(活动内容中括号内为提示的具体内容). 日 期 星期 活动内容 地 点 2006.7.3 一 动员大会,安全用电常识 1F-...

找一篇毕业典礼的发言稿快有急用尊敬的各位老师同学们:大家好! 光阴似箭、岁月如梭, 2010—2010学年度第二学期经过全校师生的共同努力和拼搏已圆满结束。我代表学校向辛勤付出的全体教职员工表示衷心的感谢!向...

描写星星的现代儿童诗急用三月飞雪 三月里飞来一场雪 我的母亲绝尘而去 天空中消失的岂止是冬日阳光 还有鸽子飞翔的身影 琴弦断了 我伏在云涛深处的山巅哭泣 三月本是花开的季节 而我收获的确是全世...

请大家帮我出600道20以内的加减法我妹妹急用要快!10+0=10 20+20=40 15+15=30 9+19=28 8+12=20 10+0=10 5+15=20 20+20=40 4+16=20 15+15=30 9+19=28 8+12=20 3+7=10 3+7=10 10+0=10 20+20=40 15+15=30 9+19=28 8+12=20 3+7=...

怎么用英语写邀请信邀请信分为两种:一种属于个人信函,例如邀请某人共进晚餐、参加宴会、观看电影、出席典礼等。另一种邀请信则属于事务信函,一般是邀请参加会议、学术活动等等。 一、普通邀请信...

用英语写一封邀请信Dear John, We will be very happy if you can come here on holiday.We have become Pen-Pals about there years.So I hope to see you.You can reach here by bike.And w...

写一封英语邀请信dear friend, How are you doing? Hope you are fine. Chinese annual traditional festival"Mid-Autumn Day" is comming.During this festival ,we always spend having moo...

用英语写邀请信原发布者:qw28804 英语邀请信的范文 邀请函的种类多种多样,那英语邀请信该怎么写呢?下面就让小编带大家看看一系列的英语邀请信。望大家采纳。 英语邀请信范文篇一 Dear[Jane]:...

怎么写英文邀请信例文如下~希望能帮到你~谢谢! Mr. and Mrs. John Smith request the honour of the presence of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brown at the marriage of their daughter Elizabeth Sm...
