

12月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[初三英语句式2]改为同义句: This kind of computer is outdated. This kind of computer is out of date . 改为一般疑问句: The two students have finished their homework already . Have...+阅读


想法:thought(s) /mind (s) 不恰当inappropriate 强制他人做某事make sb do sth by force

强加:impose [impose sth on sb把...强加在某人身上]

所以 翻译为: It's inappropriate to make others accept your thoughts by force.

It's inappropriate to impose your thoughts on other people by force.

希望能帮到您 也祝您心情愉快。


21世纪大学实用英语综合教程的第二册的教案急急急file://D:\cloverword\cloverword (54 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 1.03 GB in total.) ├—21世纪大学 (1 folders, 0 files, 0 bytes, 22.49 MB in total.) │?└—new (0 fo...

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