

10月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[ADefinitionofMoney货币的定义注解]Definition of MoneyNew Wordsdefinition n.mon a.acceptable a.settlement n.debt n.modity n.precious a.base a.bead n.benefit n.obtain vt.circulation n...+阅读

New Words

accept vt.

exchange vt.

goods n.

service n.

metal n.

square adj.

string vt.

design n.

coins n.

copper n.

inconvenient adj.

improve v.

note n. 单词

接受, 认可

交换, 交易


服务, 劳务


正方形的, 四方的


设计, 图案


不方便的, 有困难的

改善, 改进

短笺, 借据

Phrases and Expressions

in exchange (for)

hundreds of …

get paid in money

be made of …

used to

from place to place

think of… 短语与词组








4.the Philippine Islands:菲律宾群岛

5.(in) parts of Africa:(在)非洲部分地区

6.a square hole in the center:中间有一个方孔

7.But even gold and silver were inconvenient if you had to buy something expensive.但若要购买贵重的商品,即使用金银铸币也很不方便。

(1)此句为复合句, 包括一个以连词if引导的条件状语从句。

(2)even adv.[加强语气]甚至(...也), 连...都, 即使

(3)此句中的(to buy) something expensive意为“贵重的东西”, expensive在修饰something时须放在后面。

8.The First paper money looked more like a note from one person to another than the paper money used today. 与其说初的纸币类似我们现在使用的纸币,还不如说它更象一张李四写给张三的便条。

(1)the first paper money:初的纸币

(2)look like…:看起来象…

(3)from one person to another:一个人写给另一个人

(4)(look) more like a note (from one person to another) than the paper money (used today):更象一张

(一个人写给另一个人的)便条, 而不象(现在使用的)纸币

此句中的“连词(more) …than…”连接的比较状语从句, 常常省去同主句相同的部分, 只留下相比的部分。

例如:I know you better than he (knows you).



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