
写生活日常用英语 50到100个单词很简单就行了不要特别复杂要三篇

12月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[两个月时间复习考研英语可以上50分吗]这就是小马过河了,看你的基础怎么样,基础好两个月也许够,基础不好,那就很难说了 方法实际上也很重要,怎么能抓住重点去复习对你的帮助会很大 多做真题,多背真题,当然你剩下两个月时...+阅读


Fish life

August 17th sunny

A few days ago, my mother bought two small goldfish. A lovely and flexible, a delicious and lazy to move. Before long, that cute and flexible little goldfish belly up, like a ball of gas leakage on the surface of the water. I quickly called my mother, in a hurry to say: "little goldfish fainted." Mother hurried to change water for it. The little goldfish is alive and kicking. Unexpectedly, in the afternoon, the other fish also fainted, but found too late, the little fish can no longer save the life.

I think this little goldfish may be too lazy, do not love sports, vitality is so strong. They may also be living in a fishbowl is too crowded, lack of oxygen let this lovely fish survive. What a shame! My mother and I sighed. I decided to take care of the survival of the small fish, so that it is a long life!


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