
求学友唱的 My Way中文歌词 !

12月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[简短的新年快乐英语诗歌中文翻译]Rich blessings for health and longevity is my special wish for you in the coming year. 新年带给你和你所爱的人许多美好的事物和无尽的祝福! Please accept my season'...+阅读

And now, the end is near; 而今,结

局已近 And so I face the final curtain.

帷幕就要落下 My friend, I'll say it

clear, 朋友,请听我细细讲 I'll

state my case, of which I'm certain.

那一切还铭记在心的事情 I've

lived a life that's full. 我曾过着充

实的生活 I've traveled each and

every highway; 曾经飞驰在高速公

路上,四处旅行 And more, much

more than this, 但比这更重要的是 I

did it my way. 我走自己的路

Regrets, I've had a few; 遗憾,也

曾有过一些 But then again, too few

to mention. 但少的不足提起 I did

what I had to do 我做了我应该做

的 And saw it through without

exemption. 即便一切重来,我也不

会改变 I plannedeach charted course; 我曾计划好每

一次行程 Each careful step along the

byway, 还有偏僻小道的每一小步

Oh, and more, much more than this,

但比这更重要的是 I did it my way.

我走自己的路 Yes, there were times,

I'm sure you knew 是的,有那么

几次,你也清楚 When I bit off

more than I could chew. 我有些贪多

不嚼烂 But through it all, when there

was doubt, 但每一次稍有犹豫 I ate

it up and spit it out. 我都会毫不保

留的将一切咽下 I faced it all and I

stood tall; 我昂首面对 And did it my

way. 走自己的路 I've loved, I've

laughed and cried. 我曾爱过,曾大

声的笑过,哭过 I've had my fill;

my share of losing. 曾满足过,也曾

失败过 And now, as tears subside, 现

在,泪水已干 I find it all so amusing

. 我发现一切如此的好笑 To think I

did all that; 想想我曾做过的一切

And may I say - not in a shy way, 我

可以说,毫无羞愧的 No, oh no not

me, 这没有什么了不起的 I did it

my way. 我只是,走了自己的路

For what is a man, what has he got?


些什么? If not himself, then he has

naught. 如果不是自己,那他便虚

度此生 To say the things he truly

feels; 说出自己的真实想法 And not

the words of one who kneels. 永不屈

就说不情愿的话 The record shows I

took the blows - 这盒录音带记录我

所走过的不平和坎坷 And did it my

way 我走的,是自己的路


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