

03月20日 编辑 39baobao.com

[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读


包饺子 Making Dumplings

My mother is good at making dumplings and I love the flor she makes. So every time when I see her making dumplings in the quick way, I think it is such an easy thing for me. Last week, I decided to learn making dumplings from my mother and it was such a valuable experience for me. Before starting the main step, kneading the dough took me a really long time. My mother told me that it was a very important step, just like the base of a building. I did not do the base work well, so I passed it and came to make dumpling directly. My mother finished one dumpling only three seconds, but when I made the packaging of one dumpling. It was so hard to close well, and the meat went out. I never expected that making a dumpling would be so hard.



关于艺术 About Art

What is art? When people think about this question, they will naturally think about all kinds of musical instruments or the great paintings in the art museums. Art seems to so far away from the ordinary people, but I dont think so. Art is everywhere. For example, the delicious food that is made by our parents is the great art, and the value of the food is to bring people the great joy when they he a taste of it. The scenery around us is the visible art, when we appreciate it, our mood bee eased. Art is something that brings people the positive value for me, so art is around everybody. If we take time to slow down our pace, then we can enjoy art from life and feel the fortable lifestyle.




国际航海日 International Nigation Day

In the old time of China, the famous officer Zheng He was appointed to explore the new areas of the world by sailing a big ship. This was an important event in the history, he opened the new world for Chinese people and he was much earlier than other explorers. In order to in honor of the great movement of Zheng He, Chinese government agreed to revise the day March 17th as the International Nigation Day. Nowadays, the meaning of this day has gone much further, it gives applause to the international friendship between countries in the nigation. The countries desire to seek more cooperation in these sea areas and promote the economy together. China plays the important role in maintaining the peaceful sea environment, and the policemen deserve the biggest praise.



2016年关于国庆节英语演讲稿带翻译2016年关于国庆节英语演讲稿带翻译篇1Dear teacher, dear students:Everybody is good! The title of my speech today is: the national flag fluttering.Inadvertently...

攀登英语学习实验学期进展汇报开学近两个月来,我校攀登英语的教学工作按照市、区及本校的教学工作计划进行。从本周开始,进行Unit 6的教学,现将这段时间来的工作汇报如下:一、实验基本信息列项主要内容具...


读《英语广场》有感作者:王姣姣 ] 偶然的一次机会看到了《英语广场》这本杂志,翻来看看里面的内容还是很不错的,于是到网上查阅的一些有关这本杂志的信息,它是一本创刊十几年的杂志英汉对照、难度...



送给医生的简短感谢信5篇医生简短感谢信范文篇一: 尊敬的中医院领导: 我是36床病人王胜峰,因脑血栓住院在康复科进行康复训练,取得了非常满意的效果。对此我们家人为你们医院培养了高素质的领军人物吕宝...

我爱英语,我爱Courage我爱英语,我爱Courage! 济南市经五路幼儿园与外教课堂互动 今天早上,大一班的孩子们显得比往常活跃兴奋了许多,原来,他们的老朋友Courage要来到班里了!孩子们都焦急的等待着,热...

