
用My Classroom为题写一篇5句话作文

12月18日 编辑 39baobao.com

[三年级暑假作业小制作奇妙的水作文350字]奇妙的水 星期天的下午,我见识到了一种神奇的水。你想知道吗?听我慢慢道来吧。 一开始,妈妈给了我两杯水,杯子里面装着同样高度的水,让我辨别它们的不同。我怎么想也想不出来,妈妈...+阅读

My classroom

My classroom is bright and clealy.there're 50 classmate and we study together from monday to friday.2 girls more than boys.in the side,2 doors and 4 windows total.keep our room has fresh air anytime.in the frount,a blackboard on the wall which our teacher ues for teach us.the is a whiteboard as well.it's usefull and wo always get a wonderful day in my classroom


神奇的水作文开头我想发明一种水,这种水叫“神奇水”。 这种“神奇水”看起来和普通的自来水一样,都是无色透明的。其实它包含着许多人体必需的维生素A、维生素D、氨基酸等微量元素。 我曾经看...

小动物搬新学校作文春天来了,燕子从南方归来了,它一身乌黑亮丽的羽毛,一双俊俏轻盈的翅膀,在天空中啄着树枝准备回家重新建巢。我仿佛听见它说:“我又可以搬新家了,我好快乐啊!” 杨柳吐出了绿色的新...

作文开心一刻思考一刻六百字怎么写开心一刻,思考一刻 在我记忆的小河里,有许多开心的事情,有的已经随着时间的流逝渐渐淡忘了,可那件事却让我记忆犹新。 记得在六岁的时候,幼儿园老师带着我们玩了一个画鼻子的游戏...

英语作文 My classroom我的教室不要太长有个7 8句 30my classroom I'm in Class 3, Grade 6. My classroom is not very big, but it is clean. There are many desks snd chairs in it. There are two blackboards on the wal...

my classroom为题写一篇作文My classroom At present,I am studying in the No.7 primary school in class four grade five.My classroom is on the third floor close to the road and it's very bea...

英语作文My classroom没说多少字。I like my classroom. It is big and bright.There is a big board in the front .There is a platform in front of the board.There are two air conditioner...

英语作文Myclassroom怎么写My Classroom My classroom is nice and big .There are forty desks and chairs in the classroom.There are two black boards on the walls.And there are two pictures,...

以 My classroom为题写一篇短文介绍你的教室My classroom is nice and big . There are forty desks and chairs in the classroom. There are two black boards on the walls. And there are two pictures, too. My c...

小学英语作文My classroomI come to a place every weekday, that is my classroom, there are a lot of my friend, they can accompany me to play, study, the teacher had taught me knowledge,...
