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[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读

Part I Vocabulary and Grammar (40 points)

Directions: The following 40 short statements are provided each with four items. You are to choose for each the best word or phrase in place of the underlined or missing part. Please write your answer on the answer sheet by marking the corresponding letter in each case.

1. The police the witness about the accident.

A. question B. ask C. interrogate D. inquire

2. The salesman his product when challenged.

A. sold B. spoke of C stood up for D. stood for

3. She makes a rather living as a novelist.

A. precarious B. precautionary C. cautious D. precocious

4. She the chance to spend a whole day with her father. . * '

A. jumped on B. jumped at C. jumped with D. jumped up

3. The car to oid hitting the old man.

A. swerved B. rambled C. scurried D. curtailed

6. Anyone who has a sore throat should from alcohol.

A. abstain B. retain C. detain D. pertain

8. Despite a whole night's emergency treatment, the boy’s condition is still critical and his life is now hanging by a

A. thread B. cord C. string D. rope

9. The film was banned officially- because of the language and scenes it contained.

A. decent B. optimal C. obscene D. vicious

10. China will continue to to control population growth and improve the living standard of Chinese people.

A. stride B. contrive C. strive D. stripe

11. He owed his mitment to those ideals.

A. acknowledged B. converted C. conformed D. renounced

12. The political dissident was accused of instigating a plot to overthrow the government.

A. devising B. supporting C. funding D. provoking

13 I wish you two would stop bickering.

A. plaining B quarreling C. bargaining D murmuring

14. The defendant is facing severe verdict despite the appeal for clemency by his lawyer.

A. fiving B. release C. leniency D. impartiality

15. The little boy listened, enthralled by the Captain’s story.

A. fascinated B. swindled C. shocked D. bored

16. I was impressed by his expertise on landing craft.

A. encouragement B. special skill C. shrewdness D. eloquence

17. Your action is a breach of our university regulations.

A. observation B. violation C. creation D. attack

18. Subsequent events vindicated his policy.

A. predicate B. swing C. dilate D. verify

19. Drug smuggling carries a mandatory death penalty in most countries in the world.

A. impulsive B. multicolored C. obligatory' D. laughable

20. Morality, for him, was doing what is expedient.

A. undesirable B. unailable C advantageous D. inappropriate

21 You'd like this one, ?

A. don't you B. didn't you C. hadn't you D. wouldn’t you

22. Do you happen to know the name of this ?

A. beautiful, little, red, butterfly-like insect

B. little, beautiful, red, butterfly-like insect

C. red, little, beautiful, butterfly-like insect

D. red, butterfly-like, beautiful, little insect

23. My son walked ten miles today. We never guessed that he could walk far.

A. / B. such C. that D. as

24. If talks for the new trade agreements take , food industries in both countries will be seriously affected.

A. much too long B. too much longer C. too much long D. much long

25. Jim expected nobody in the room.

A. there being B. there been C. there to be D. there be

26. Frankly, I'd rather you anything about it for the time being.

A. do B. didn't do C. don’t do D. didn't

27. This is a nation which easily to changes.

A. adapts B. is adapted C. is adaptable D. is adapting

28. The young man proved his parents’ expectation.

A. worth B. worthy C. worth of D. worthy of

29. After a whole day of hard work, all was a nice meal and a good rest

A. what he wanted B. which he wanted C. the thing he wanted D. that he wanted

30. A modem city has sprung up in was a wasteland ten years ago

A. which B. what C. that D. where

31. The new literature course differs from the old course the students aren’t required to attend lecture.

A. in which B. which C. in that D. whereas

32. I wonder whether he knows to write a book.

A. how great pains it will cost B. what great pains will it take

C. what great pains it will cost D what great pains it will take

33. college students should learn more about Chinese history.

A. 1 consider important that B. I consider it important

C. I consider what is important D. I consider it important that

34. To a highly imaginative writer, is a pad of paper and a pen.

A. all are required B. all required is C. all is required D. all that is required

35. was of no much help to him at that time.

A. Little could I do B. What could I do little

C. The little of which 1 could do D. The little that I could do

36. Scientists he reached the conclusion the temperature on the earth is getting higher and higher.

A. when B. but C. that D. for that

37. The teacher said, "It's time you your oral presentation.”

A. began B. should begin C. begin D. are beginning

38. You and I could hardly understand each other, ?

A. could I B. couldn't you C. could we D. couldn't we

39. A clue Americans may he been more honest in the past lies in the Abe Lincoln story.

A. as for why B. as to what C. as to which D as to why

40. Petroleum is to industry blood is to man.

A. that B. as if C. what D. which



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