
新概念英语第一册Lesson 63 Thank you, doctor

12月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[病人给医生的感谢信模板大全2020]病人给医生的感谢信模板1 第一人民医院领导: 您们好! 我是眼科三楼32床病人某的家属,20某年12曰11日由于工作事故在贵院贵科治疗,治疗期间,贵科的医生、护士们在我心里留下了深...+阅读


better adj. 形容词well的比较级

certainly adv. 当然

get up 起床

yet adv. 还,仍

rich adj. 油腻的,富有的

food n. 食物

remain v. 保持,继续

★better adj. 形容词well的比较级

good —>better —>best

Better late than never. 亡羊补牢为时未晚。

Better safe than sorry. 稳妥一点总是要比后悔要好。

for better for worse 不论好坏(更多侧重于同甘共苦)

I am your friend, so for better for worse, I will always be with you ,I will always be on your side.

for better or worse 不管如何

had better do sth. 做什么事情(更适用于年龄相仿之间对话)

had better not do sth. 不要做某事

You had better not telephone in the class.

★yet adv. 还,仍


★rich adj. 油腻的,富有的

the rich 富人 the poor 穷人

★remain v. 保持,继续

① v. 留下;停留

You’d better remain at home.

We’re going to remain in Rome for another two days. 我们准备再在罗马逗留两天。

② v. 保持不变

It will remain cold for a couple of days. 天气还将持续冷几天。

Most people remained silent at the meeting.




each boy

each of the boys

each of my hands each of my parents each of the students


every student(不能写为every of the student)

every one of my fingers


DOCTOR: How’s Jimmy today?

MRS. WILLIAMS: Better. Thank you, doctor.

DOCTOR: Can I see him please, Mrs. Williams?

MRS. WILLIAMS: Certainly, doctor. e upstairs.

DOCTOR: You look very well, Jimmy.

You are better now, but you mustn’t get up yet.

You must stay in bed for another two days.

The boy musn’t go to school yet, Mrs. Williams.

And he mustn’t eat rich food.

MRS. WILLIAMS: Does he he a temperature, doctor?

DOCTOR: No, he doesn’t.

MRS. WILLIAMS: Must he stay in bed?

DOCTOR: Yes. He must remain in bed for another two days.

He can get up for about two hours each day,

but you must keep the room warm.

Where’s Mr. Williams this evening?

MRS. WILLIAMS: He’s in bed, doctor.

Can you see him please?

He has a bad cold, too!


You must stay in bed for another two days.

for another two days别外再两天

