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[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读

Part I Writing



For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a position on the topic "I He a Dream..." You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:

1. 描述你的梦想……

2. 讲述你选择这个作为梦想的原因。

Part II Reading prehension

(Skimming and Scanning)



In this part, you will he 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly. Forquestions1-7, mark Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.

For questions 8-10, plete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

How College Rankings Work

Among the many methods people use to judge colleges and universities, few are as widely used as simple rankings. These lists, usually ordered by numerical scores or letter grades, are inherently appealing because they’re easily understood and they tell us exactly where the authors think a given school stands. But they can also be confusing be-cause some magazine, book and online publishers use vastly different criteria when determining academic status.

The most prominent set of college rankings in the United States is published by U.S. News the ability to solve problems;the ability to plete sentences or recognize words when letters he been rearranged or removed; the ability to recall things presented either visually or aurally.

Most people perform better on one type of question than on others, but experts he determined that people who ex-cel in one category do similarly well in the other categories, and if someone does poorly in any one category, he/she al-so does poorly in the others. Based on this, these experts theorize there is one general element of intellectual ability that determines other specific cognitive abilities. The best tests, therefore, feature questions from many categories of intellectual ability so that the test isn’t weighted toward one specific skill.

IQ tests measure your ability to understand ideas, not the quantity of your knowledge; learning new information does not automatically increase your IQ. Learning may exercise your mind, however, which could help you to develop greater cognitive skills, but scientists do not fully under-stand this relationship. The scientists are still in the dark about the connection between learning and mental ability, as are the workings of the brain and the nature of intellectual ability. Intellectual ability does seem to depend more on geic factors than on environmental factors, but most experts agree that environment plays some significant role in its development.

26. In determining an IQ score, _______________.

A) the subject’s cognitive ability is pared with his / her former performance

B) the children’s age is taken into consideration

C) 100 is treated as the standard score

D) children of various developmental levels are tested27. From the deion of the IQ tests, we can see that they may test ________.

A) drawing and language ability

B) memory and originality ability

C) psychological and spatial ability

D) memory ability and spatial ability

28. What can we learn from the third paragraph?

A) A person who does poorly in one category is not necessarily poor in other categories.

B) Experts got the conclusion that learning new information can automatically increase your IQ.

C) The general intellectual ability can determine specific cognitive abilities to some extent.

D) Whether a person can do well in one category is not decided by IQ.

29. What is considered to be the best IQ tests?

A) Tests that measure the general factor of intelligence.

B) Tests that also test the quantity of the subject’s knowledge.

C) Tests that help the subject to increase his/her IQ.

D) Tests that include as many abilities as possible.

30. What is known to be certain about intellectual ability?

A) The relationship between learning and intellectual ability.

B) The connection between the workings of the brain and the nature of intellectual ability.

C) Environment does play a role in the development of intellectual ability.

D) Geic factors are the determining factors of intellectual ability.

Part IV Cloze

(15 minutes)


There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.

As far as I know, no puter or technology ever got any of us a raise, landed us that dream job, or put that special joy in our lives that can only e from relationships with others. All these great things are made possible by a 31 different type of working: human working. And not the kind that has given "working"a bad 32 —that superficial, insincere stuff. No, I’m talking about the true art of working, based 33 respectful and caring rela-tionships that 34 mutual success. For each and every thing you want to 35 in life, a raise, a love, a job —there will be at least one person on the other end deciding 36 to give you or help you get what you want. Everything we do can only be ac-plished 37 and with other people. Simply put, success, of any kind, 38 relationships. Just think of the 39 of Mar-garet Wheatley, "Relationships are all there is. Nothing ex-ists in 40 . We he to stop pretending that we can make it 41 ."

The most mon 42 people make when building re-lationships for their 43 success is treating business con-tacts differently from personal friends. Aren’t your col-leagues always more helpful when you’re in need? I 44 your work will bee easier and more joyful if you make 45 of your business relationships personal. How to do it? The same way you make 46 friends. Build trust through intimacy; show them that 47 being professional, you’re also human. 48 the small talk and go deep into what really matters —your dreams or fears, your children or the business issues that keep you 49 at night. I don’t think for a 50 that they’ll think anything less of you. In fact, usually the opposite happens.

31. A) hardly B) seldom C) pletely D) slightly

32. A) jobB) name C) time D) idea

33. A) upon B) within C) above D) with

34. A) promise B) promote C) protect D) propose

35. A) create B) maintain C) achieve D) experience

36. A) that B) where C) what D) whether

37. A) through B) by C) without D) over

38. A) acquires B) requires C) inquires D) enquires

39. A) words B) questions C) answers D) actions

40. A) connection B) whole C) isolation D) individual

41. A) together B) right C) alone D) anyway

42. A) misfortune B) misery C) misuse D) mistake

43. A) study B) family C) career D) marriage

44. A) guarantee B) hope C) advise D) remend

45. A) less B) much C) more D) least

46. A) genuine B) false C) stupid D) clever

47. A) besides B) except C) apart D) unless

48. A) Start B) Skim C) Skip D) Scan

49. A) down B) up C) off D) back

50. A) day B) week C) moment D) month

Part V Translation(5 minutes)


plete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.

51. They are _________ (定于到达) in about three hours.

52. Several years in the army _________________ (使迈克成为了真正的男子汉).

53. He said that ____________ (谁犯了法) deserves punishment.

54. She was very excited that she finally got the pay and said __________ (这次她做东).

55. After graduation, she _________________ (以当设计师为生).



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