
·Lesson 31 The young thief and his mother 小偷和

12月18日 编辑 39baobao.com

[孩子拿了别人的东西是“小偷”吗]孩子拿了别人的东西是“小偷”吗?2000年6月14日 10:16 中华母婴网孩子(尤其是年龄较小的孩子)拿别人的东西的行为与成年人的偷窃行为,在性质上是截然不同的。但在现实生活中...+阅读

The young thief and his mother

A young man was caught stealing, and sentenced to death three days later.

He wanted to speak with his mother before the execution. Of course this was granted.

When his mother came to him, he said, "I want to tell you something." He said something but she could not hear. He whispered again, and when she came close to him, she put her ear to his mouth. He nearly bit off her ear. All the bystanders were horrified.

"It is to punish her," he said. "When I was young I began stealing little things, and brought them home to mother. "Instead of punishing me, she laughed and said, 'It will not be noticed.' It is because of her that I am here today."






寓意: 小错起初不惩治,必将酿成大错。


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